Environmental impacts of RFID

Coder Survival Guide
How Do Background Apps Affect My Phone’s Battery Usage? - Global Batteries
Background apps consume battery by running processes like location tracking, notifications, and updates even when not actively used. Managing app permissions, disabling auto-refresh, and using battery optimization settings can reduce drain. iOS and Android offer built-in tools to monitor and restrict background activity, extending battery life by up to 20-30%.How to Test Continuity with a
Eco-design : Eco-design guide for digital services
First, eco-design consists in taking an approach of restraint when designing services, and second, in optimizing their implementation.
YouTube est-il conforme au RGESN v.1 2024 de l'ARCEP ? - Temesis
En septembre 2022, j’ai publié l’article « Intégration vidéo : pourquoi réfléchir avant d’utiliser un player YouTube sur son site …
Les émissions évitées par le numérique : une piste pour sortir du far-west - OCTO Talks !
La Net Zero Initiative for IT a été lancée par Carbone 4, entreprise de conseil fondée en 2007, qui accompagne la transformation du monde vers la décarbonation et l’adaptation au changement climatique. L’objectif de cet article est de vous partager ce qu’est cette initiative, de décrire la méthodologie et en quoi c’est important pour le numérique.
Vietnamese Graphic Design
MilleCheck : l'outil d'analyse de performance de site web nouvelle génération
MilleCheck : l'outil d'analyse de performance de site web nouvelle génération développé par artwaï et surtout pour ses clients.
Lets talk Digital Sustainability - Wholegrain Digital
Chris: Context is key One of the primary reasons that the people behind Wholegrain work here is a want to do better – that means build more sustainable websites, consider the needs of people more centrally to our decisions and play a leading role in moving forward our understanding of what sustainable web design really […]
Introducing the Green Web Tracker - Green Web Foundation
This post introduces the Green Web Tracker, an open source website to track the green hosting of domains.
Ce qui sous-tend les annonces démesurées du sommet de l'IA
Tentative succincte et partielle, de donner quelques points de repères, suite aux annonces démesurées du sommet de l’IA.
Sustainability implications of the AI revolution
The full environmental and societal impacts of Gen AI are yet to be seen — though they are already deeply concerning
Oui Pub - Mise en œuvre de l'expérimentation Oui Pub
Le principe de l'expérimentation Oui Pub est simple : désormais, seuls les habitants des 14 territoires participants qui apposent un autocollant Oui Pub sur leur boîte aux lettres reçoivent les…
Le Média GreenTech Forum | #39 Éco-conception : les entreprises engagées continuent à prendre de l’avance
L’éco-conception de services numériques est toujours un sujet d’actualité d’autant plus dans un contexte de montée des pressions réglementaires, de risques climatiques et d’alertes massives sur l’empreinte environnementale du numérique. Mais le passage à l’échelle se fait attendre : pour l’heure, ce sont surtout les entreprises déjà engagées qui continuent à accentuer leurs efforts en la matière. À moins que l’IA ne rebatte une nouvelle fois les cartes.
Use Cases for Energy Efficiency Management
This document groups use cases for Energy efficiency Management of network devices.
Discussion Venues
Source of this draft and an issue tracker can be found at https://github.com/emile22/draft-stephan-green-use-cases
Does what you scroll burn coal? Mythbusting energy consumption on the web
Our devices consume energy when we surf the web, but the causal relationships between web design and energy use remain unclear.
Addressing Nestlé's corporate website carbon footprint
With approximately 70 global corporate websites, we’re working hard at finding ways of reducing our digital carbon footprint.
State of Readiness - Sustainability in Digital Advertising Report 2025 - IAB Europe
IAB Europe’s Sustainability Standards Committee originally developed the State of Readiness - Sustainability in Digital Advertising survey back in 2022, to gain valuable insights into our industry’s progress towards sustainability. Now in its third year, the State of Readiness 2025 Report provides key insights into the industry’s sustainability priorities, actions…
Net zero web services and the future of digital sustainability
Highlighting the challenges measuring web sustainability and putting forward a roadmap for net zero transition of internet-based content services.
Switching from light to dark mode on apps and websites uses more energy
BBC R&D find energy saving recommendation doesn’t take into account user behaviour
Decarbonizing the media, broadcast, and streaming industry
From traditional broadcast to streaming and social media, the ways in which we produce,
distribute, and consume media are evolving—along with their overall energy and environmental
impacts. Mitigating these climate impacts across the media, broadcast, and streaming
(MBS) sector is critical, but there are several challenges across measurement methodologies,
data availability, responsibility attribution, and action. This commentary, hence,
provides stage-specific and system-wide interventions necessary to decarbonize the
MBS sector, and calls for urgency in tackling other non-emission climate impacts.
AccesSlide – Access42
Guide d’utilisation rapide Vous pouvez télécharger AccesSlide à partir du dépôt GitHub. Créer votre diaporama Éditer le fichier index.htm pour créer le diaporama. Une diapo s’implémente avec un élément section. section class="slide" [votre diapo] /section Vous pouvez utiliser ce que vous voulez dans une diapo. À noter que les diapos…
Desperate UX Portfolio
A hilariously creative UX portfolio blending heartbreak, hustle, and humor to guilt-trip recruiters into making a hire. Check it out!
Cal.com | Open Scheduling Infrastructure
Open Source Scheduling: Send a link and meet or build an entire marketplace for humans to connect
TPUs improved carbon-efficiency of AI workloads by 3x | Google Cloud Blog
A new study finds that TPU hardware has seen a 3x improvement in the carbon-efficiency of AI workloads from TPU v4 to Trillium.
SQL Noir - A Detective SQL Game
Solve crimes and mysteries using SQL queries in this detective-themed SQL learning game.
Leaking the email of any YouTube user for $10,000
What could've been the largest data breach in the world - an attack chain on Google services to leak the email address of any YouTube channel