Coder Survival Guide

Coder Survival Guide

OCTO Technology - OCTO s'engage
OCTO Technology - OCTO s'engage
Chez OCTO, nous sommes soucieux de l'environnement et de l'impact que nos activités peuvent avoir sur la planète. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de mettre en place une démarche d'éco-conception pour la refonte de notre site internet.
OCTO Technology - OCTO s'engage
Greenbids - Less carbon from Ads
Greenbids - Less carbon from Ads
Greenbids position sustainability at the core of the entire Programmatic and YouTube value chain through advanced technology solutions.
Greenbids - Less carbon from Ads
A material social view on data center waste heat: Novel uses and metrics
A material social view on data center waste heat: Novel uses and metrics
Today's data centers use substantial amounts of the world's electrical supply. However, in line with circular economy concepts, much of this energy can be reused. Such reuse includes the heating of buildings, but also commodity dehydration, electricity production and energy storage. This multi-disciplinary paper presents several novel applications for data center waste heat. Next, the paper accounts for three case studies, taken from three different societal contexts: urban Malaysia, rural Costa Rica and semi-urban Sweden. A discussion on data center energy metrics leads to the development of a new metric, Datacenter Energy Sustainability Score (DESS), which is evaluated within the three use cases. Last, it is shown how a material social view on metrics provides a way past a problem that has haunted the data center industry for the last 15 years, whilst benefitting both data center owners who want to compete through sustainability as well as stakeholders from governments on local, regional and national levels. The paper makes clear that a sustainability strategy should be based on a material social view and stretch beyond the building itself. In fact, and as demonstrated by the relevance of DESS, modern data centers are so energy-efficient that data center sustainability is no longer mainly an engineering issue, but a matter requiring multi-disciplinary insights, approaches and collaboration.
A material social view on data center waste heat: Novel uses and metrics
Empowering accessibility: GitHub's journey building an in-house Champions program
Empowering accessibility: GitHub's journey building an in-house Champions program
As part of GitHub's dedication to accessibility, we expanded our internal accessibility program and scaled up our assessment process to help remove or lower barriers for users with disabilities. Then, we empowered employees from various disciplines to drive accessibility efforts within their teams.
Empowering accessibility: GitHub's journey building an in-house Champions program
Comment calculer (vraiment) l'impact carbone de ChatGPT ?
Comment calculer (vraiment) l'impact carbone de ChatGPT ?
Quelle est la consommation d'une requête sur ChatGPT ? Combien de CO2 est émis pour générer une image avec une IA ? J'ai compilé toutes les données concrètesà disposition pour mieux cerner les enjeux et les usages.
Comment calculer (vraiment) l'impact carbone de ChatGPT ?
Quantifying Carbon Emissions due to Online Third-Party Tracking
Quantifying Carbon Emissions due to Online Third-Party Tracking
In the past decade, global warming made several headlines and turned the attention of the whole world to it. Carbon footprint is the main factor that drives greenhouse emissions up and results in the temperature increase of the planet with dire consequences. While the attention of the public is turned to reducing carbon emissions by transportation, food consumption and household activities, we ignore the contribution of CO2eq emissions produced by online activities. In the current information era, we spend a big amount of our days browsing online. This activity consumes electricity which in turn produces CO2eq. While website browsing contributes to the production of greenhouse gas emissions, the impact of the Internet on the environment is further exacerbated by the web-tracking practice. Indeed, most webpages are heavily loaded by tracking content used mostly for advertising, data analytics and usability improvements. This extra content implies big data transmissions which results in higher electricity consumption and thus higher greenhouse gas emissions. In this work, we focus on the overhead caused by web tracking and analyse both its network and carbon footprint. By leveraging the browsing telemetry of 100k users and the results of a crawling experiment of 2.7M websites, we find that web tracking increases data transmissions upwards of 21%, which in turn implies the additional emission of around 11 Mt of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere every year. We find such contribution to be far from negligible, and comparable to many activities of modern life, such as meat production, transportation, and even cryptocurrency mining. Our study also highlights that there exist significant inequalities when considering the footprint of different countries, website categories, and tracking organizations, with a few actors contributing to a much greater extent than the remaining ones.
Quantifying Carbon Emissions due to Online Third-Party Tracking
Comment rédiger le cahier des charges d’un site éco-conçu ? | Cap'Com
Comment rédiger le cahier des charges d’un site éco-conçu ? | Cap'Com
Réaliser un cahier des charges d’un site éco-conçu, c’est entrer dans une démarche de conception différente. La réflexion porte sur l’essentiel et l’utilité pour éviter le superflu. Dressons quelques pistes pour vous aider à intégrer l’éco-conception dans votre cahier des charges de création d’un site internet.
Comment rédiger le cahier des charges d’un site éco-conçu ? | Cap'Com
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
In this post, Mightybytes discusses the importance of managing data and adopting a data disposal policy for a sustainable data strategy.
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
Minimal — Financement participatif 2024
Minimal — Financement participatif 2024
En 2024, l’Association négaWatt lance officiellement le projet Minimal, centré sur l’enjeu des ressources minières. Ce projet vise à fixer des objectifs de consommation pour l’Europe et à élaborer des recommandations politiques afin de réduire progressivement l’extraction de métaux. L’analyse se focalise sur huit métaux particulièrement impactants pour l’environnement ou représentant un enjeu crucial pour la transition énergétique dans les décennies à venir.
Minimal — Financement participatif 2024
Les lendemains du numérique responsable
Les lendemains du numérique responsable
Face à l’incompatibilité des trajectoires de développement du secteur du numérique avec les limites planétaires et à ses impacts sociaux. Fort.e.s de ce constat et inspiré.e.s par les travaux de précurseur·euse.s, nous avons fait évoluer nos activités respectives pour intégrer le secteur qu’on appelle communément “numérique responsable”. Initialement, nous avons pris le parti de la “mesure” en participant à l’amélioration des pratiques de comptabilité environnementale dans le secteur des services numériques. Bien que nous ne rejetons aucune de ces approches et pratiques, nous ne pouvons que constater leur insuffisance vis-à-vis des enjeux socio environnementaux posés par la numérisation. Dans cet article, nous revenons sur les limites de ces approches, formalisées collectivement au cours de ces dernières années.
Les lendemains du numérique responsable
Semantic Web Hook
Semantic Web Hook
You provide the semantics, we provides the interactivity. Turn data intended for search engines and social networks into useful functionality for visitors.
Semantic Web Hook