Your weekly update on the world of building accessible iOS and Android applications, including blogs, tools, events, news, job opportunities, etc. #a11y #iOS #Android
Design systems should aim to unite development teams in a way that facilitates healthy cross discipline conversation. Code that as easy to understand is more likely to lead to accessible results.
U.S. Access Board - Revised 508 Standards and 255 Guidelines
The U.S. Access Board is a federal agency that promotes equality for people with disabilities through leadership in accessible design and the development of accessibility guidelines and standards for the built environment, transportation, communication, medical diagnostic equipment, and information technology.
Caching is something most developers take for granted, but experience tells me time and time again that most developers also don’t understand how to configure their caching rules safely, correctly, or effectively. Do you know what no-cache means? Do you know what the Pragma header does? Do you know the difference between Last-Modified or ETag? Expires or Cache-Control? You will soon.
In this talk, we’ll remove the noise, get rid of everything we don’t need, and then step through a series of real-life scenarios to work out how to solve almost any caching situation with a series of questions.
CALMS est un framework DevOps qui signifie Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement et Sharing (Culture, Automatisation, Lean, Mesure et Partage). Découvrez comment il mesure le succès dans une transformation DevOps.
Comment passer du DevOps au DevGreenOps ? - Greenspector
Reading Time: 15 minutes Comment passer du DevOps au DevGreenOps ? Résumé La transition du DevOps au DevGreenOps semble indispensable pour répondre au challenge majeur qu’est la réduction de l’impact environnemental du numérique. C’est la mise en place d’une nouvelle démarche outillée mais aussi un changement de culture. Dans cet article, nous commencerons par définir ce qu’est le DevGreenOps […]
Counting Carbon: A Survey of Factors Influencing the Emissions of Machine Learning
Machine learning (ML) requires using energy to carry out computations during the model training process. The generation of this energy comes with an environmental cost in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, depending on…
The Carbon Conundrum and Ethical Quandaries in the Expanding Realm of AI
In this blog, we'll provide a summary of the key messages and concepts shared in Abhishek Gupta’s latest article on The Imperative for Sustainable AI Systems, published on The Gradient.
Salesforce's Sustainable AI Plan: Where Responsibility Meets Innovation
Explore Salesforce’s strategies for creating sustainable AI, developed as a cross-team collaboration including Salesforce AI Research and other key members.
Timeshifting strategies for carbon-efficient long-running large language model training
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering - Language models play a vital role in various natural language processing tasks, but their training can be computationally intensive and lead to...