How to Meet WCAG (Quickref Reference)
Coder Survival Guide
Comment l’industrie du jeu vidéo peut-elle agir sur les enjeux sociaux et environnementaux ?
LLM Visualization
A 3D animated visualization of an LLM with a walkthrough.
20231124 - green coding summit - ai environmental impacts assessment workshop
AI environmental impacts assessment workshop 24 Nov. 2023 SDIA – Green Coding Summit 2023 By Benjamin Le Bigot & Samuel Rincé
Notes from the SDIA Green Coding summit - Green Web Foundation
Our key takeways and notes from the SDIA Green Coding Summit, with links to all the best bits.
Power Hungry Processing: ⚡ Watts ⚡ Driving the Cost of AI Deployment? - 2311.16863.pdf
Making an image with generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone
This is the first time the carbon emissions caused by using an AI model for different tasks have been calculated.
Stop designing for yesterday
Sustainable design tools to help products, services and businesses use fewer resources, create less pollution, and reduce carbon emissions. Open source and free to use.
Product Development with Consequence Scanning – TechTransformed
Digital technologies introduce change rapidly and their potential for impact comes with responsibility. Introducing a dedicated agile practice for considering the consequences of technology within an iterative development cycle.
Référentiel général d'interopérabilité (RGI)
Le site officiel de la DINUM
Tuvalu | The first digital nation
What happens to a country without land? As rising sea levels threaten to submerge their home, Tuvalu has made a radical plan for the survival of their nation.
Why We Don’t Report Website Carbon Emissions | DebugBear
Online tools claim to measure the carbon emissions caused by a website. Find out why we don't include this data in our test results.
Firefox on the brink? |
The Big Three may effectively be down to a Big Two, and right quick.
Xbox is the first console platform to release dedicated energy and carbon emissions measurement tools designed for (and with) game creators
How Xbox, 343 Industries, and Ubisoft are reducing energy & emissions while maintaining gameplay fidelity, including a first look at the Xbox Sustainability Toolkit for game creators.
The effects of serious gaming on risk perceptions of climate tipping points
Climatic Change - A growing body of research indicates that effective science-policy interactions demand novel approaches, especially in policy domains with long time horizons like climate change....
Accueil - jeux-vidéo
L’écran d’après : des contenus pour un futur désirable L’écran d’après est un mouvement initié en 2022 par une centaine de professionnels et professionnelles français de l’audiovisuel et du cinéma, désireux de raconter une société plus inclusive et plus durable dans leurs fictions. Ensemble, ils ont co-construit un guide pour questionner la place des enjeux
Get your copy of the Climate Product Management Playbook
Receive nature-positive best practices to enhance your product management skills and contribute to the fight against climate change and biodiversity crises
In The File : Design et Tech, s’allier pour concevoir des produits numériques durables
Figma is free to use. Sign up here: de ce livestream, Amélie Poirier, Senior UX/UI Designer, et Cristella Henriques, Responsable d...
Designer pour l’inclusion
24 jours de web : Le calendrier de l'avent des gens qui font le web d'après.
Revealed: How colonial rule radically shifts historical responsibility for climate change - Carbon Brief
Historical responsibility for climate change is radically shifted when colonial rule is taken into account, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.
The Cost of Mobile Ads on 50 News Websites (Published 2015)
Most of the data on the mobile homepages of the top 50 news websites comes from advertising, demonstrating the appeal of ad blockers.
Le numérique responsable comme levier économique ?
Que retenir de la 3ème édition du GreenTech Forum ?
Principes généraux pour l'affichage environnemental des produits de grande consommation - La librairie ADEME
Référentiel méthodologique d'évaluation environnementale des Systèmes d'Information (SI)
Accueil | Numérique d'Intérêt Général
NIG : Numérique d'Intérêt Général Actus et événements
Décret n° 2023-931 du 9 octobre 2023 relatif à l'accessibilité aux personnes handicapées des produits et services - Légifrance
Décret n° 2023-931 du 9 octobre 2023 relatif à l'accessibilité aux personnes handicapées des produits et services