An In-depth Performance Comparison Of 5 Popular WordPress Page Builders
If you feel somewhat restricted by the flexibility of layouts provided by WordPress themes, you might be interested in building your WordPress webpages with a page builder plugin. WordPress page builders have become wildly popular because they let anyone, even those without the gift of code, build a beautiful website or landing page using a […]
With a digital sustainability approach, businesses can not only reduce emissions but also improve the performance of digital channels with relative ease.
The subject of Web resource caching is as old as the World Wide Web itself. However, I’d like to offer an as-exhaustive-as-possible catalog of how one can improve performance by caching. Web resource caching can happen in two different places: client-side - on the browser and server-side. This post is dedicated to the former; the next post will focus on the latter. Caching 101 The idea behind caching is simple: if a resource is a time- or resource-consuming to compute, do it once and st
So you heard of Client-Hints and you think you got time, right? Wrong.
If your "quest for fast" goes through device detection, you'll want to pay attention to this.
I'll go out on a limb and make a wild guess: if you care about web performance, that's because you want to deliver great UX to users. Assuming my guess is right, in the last two decades the per
A few weeks ago at, we were able to announce the initial availability of a new public dataset of RUM data - the RUM Archive.
I'd like to take a few minutes to discuss our motivation for the project, what kind of data the RUM Archive contains, how you can access it, its limitations
A Swiss Army knife is not merely a knife but rather an entire toolbox packaged in a light and compact container. Each tool is carefully selected to maximize utility while simultaneously minimizing size and redundancy. Mastery of the toolbox means knowing when and how to use each availab
In 1949, Claude Shannon married a computer.
Her name was Betty.1
Mary Elizabeth “Betty” Moore graduated from the New Jersey College for Women in 1948 and began work the next day as a computer at Bell Laboratories.2
Her job was to perform mathematical calculations for Bell Labs engineerin
Lazy-loading LCP images: Why does this anti-pattern happen?
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a performance metric representing the user experience's loading facet. It's part of the Core Web Vitals program and measures the render time of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport. When the LCP element is an image, which happens 72% of the ti : un modèle de performance web environnementale ? - Temesis
Vous l’attendiez ? Voici le dernier volet de notre étude de la performance web environnementale consacrée à YouTube, le géant de la vidéo en ligne. Cet article traite de l’écoconception du …
Fast page loading is so last year… you should be thinking about instant page loads! To give an experience where the load is not just “acceptable”, but completely unnoticeable, we need to look beyond just optimising our loading speeds and think about how we can completely hide that load delay from th
Anatomie d'un exercice Red Team - Chapitre 1 - POST
Un engagement Red Team peut être décrit brièvement comme une simulation d'attaque ciblée en situation réelle. En tant qu'acteur de la menace, il utilise une approche mixte faisant appel à l'ingénierie sociale, aux techniques d'intrusion physique, aux tests d'intrusion ciblant des applications/réseaux, aux campagnes de phishing ciblées... simultanément pour atteindre certains objectifs prédéfinis.
Webinar Groupe ISIA : "Déployer une démarche Numérique Responsable : oui mais comment ?"
Découvrez des éléments clés pour permettre aux organisations de penser & déployer une feuille de route Numérique Responsable à impact !✅ Dans ce webinar, Jea...
Tester l’accessibilité avec la reconnaissance vocale – Access42
Les logiciels de reconnaissance vocale permettent de naviguer et d’interagir avec du contenu web à l’aide de commandes vocales. Ce type de technologie d’assistance est utilisé principalement par les personnes ayant des handicaps moteurs. Par exemple, certaines personnes sont tétraplégiques (paralysie des quatre membres), d’autres vivent avec des mains ou…
Is Low-Code Development Better for the Environment?
The answer: it depends, based on — among other factors — how you define low code/no code and serverless, which cloud provider you use, and where its servers live. #lowcode #nocode #serverless #AWS #cloudproviders #greencloud
Accessibilité numérique à 100% : le Gouvernement passe à la vitesse supérieure et présente une ordonnance visant à contrôler l’accessibilité des sites des administrations publiques à compter 2024
L’accessibilité numérique à 100% est un des objectifs fixés lors de la conférence nationale du handicap (CNH) le 26 avril dernier sous l’égide du Président de la République Emmanuel Macron. Dans cette perspective, le Gouvernement présente une ordonnance visant à renforcer les sanctions des manquements aux obligations d’accessibilité des services de communication au public en ligne, prévues dans la loi n° 2005-102 du 11 février 2005 pour l’égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées.
The Impact of Green Feedback on Users’ Software Usage
The rise of the energy impact of software systems requires the need to optimize and reduce their energy consumption. One area often neglected is the important role played by users to drive energy reductions. In this paper, we aim to reduce the energy impact of software by pushing end users to change their software usage behavior, through raising awareness and providing software green feedback. We present a comprehensive and detailed field study of the impact of green feedback on software usage by end users, and the efficiency of green feedback on software behavioral change, using a distributed architecture aimed at providing accurate green feedback in real time. We find that green feedback helps in raising awareness about software energy, and on the willingness of users to apply energy-efficient changes. However, we also find that users lack the knowledge and tools to properly adopt lasting and energy-effective behavioral changes.