The Ethics of Web Performance - Web Performance Consulting |

Coder Survival Guide
Variable fonts in real life: how to use and love them—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
A look at variable fonts in real life. Everything’s here: practical examples, file optimization and accessibility benefits, and… the future!
✨♻️ JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop
Oh boi the event loop. It’s one of those things that every JavaScript developer has to deal with in o...
La “Next Big Thing” se heurte à l’impératif d’un numérique plus responsable
Depuis de nombreuses années, les professionnels des NTIC essayent d’anticiper le prochain iPhone : une innovation majeure capable de reconfigurer le marché (ex : l’iPad ou l’Apple…
Is money inflating the climate crisis?
Invest in inflation. It’s the only thing going up. That was a joke made around a century ago by actor and Mayor of Beverly Hills, Will Rogers. It seems just as appropriate now as everyone is feeling things getting more expensive. Food, energy, clothes, books, holidays, houses, cars, education. You name it and it’s going up in price.
Solar Hosting • Scott Evans
A project to self host a website in Sweden using solar power, battery storage and a Raspberry Pi. Low tech homelab solution.
Big advertisers are discovering their digital-advertising campaigns carry a big carbon tax
Brands like Heineken, Nestlé, and Toyota are in the early stages of figuring out how to reduce the emissions their digital advertising produces.
Energy efficient color palette ideas - Green the web
Did you know that there are energy efficient color palettes? Colors you can save battery life with. It is true! At least when your user’s device is an OLED display.
Access First / My accessibility toolbox · GitLab
Tools and techniques I use for manual accessibility testing.
Tota11y! instructions
Can browsers optimize the loading of third-party resources? - Chrome Developers
Driving changes for better loading of third-party resources on the web
FTC, Commercial Surveillance, and Overlays
August 22, 2022: FTC’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) is live as of today. You can share your public comments at Trade Regulation Rule on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security until Friday, October 21, 2022. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on August 11, 2022 announced it is exploring rules…
How to talk about disability sensitively and avoid ableist tropes
When it comes to disability, a lot of ableist language and tropes are perpetuated by the media. Here's what experts have to say about how to talk about disability.
Basic Debugging And Problem Solving Questions | Software Meadows
karanpratapsingh/system-design: Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews - karanpratapsingh/system-design: Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
Limits to digitalization | Gauthier Roussilhe
Where do Digital Emissions Come From?
Chicago digital agency Mightybytes breaks down digital emissions sources and outlines a plan of action you can take to reduce them.
Don't fight the browser preload scanner
Find out what the browser preload scanner is, how it helps performance, and how you can stay out of its way.
Underengineer Your Websites (with Adrian Roselli) | Some Antics
Oftentimes, the most accessible, interoperable experiences are the ones that require the most minimal engineer — and few know that better than Adrian Roselli...
Pluralistic: 15 Aug 2022 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Color and
Color & Contrast is an interactive guide to color for designers.
The impact of removing jQuery on our web performance
In this blog post, we explain the technical details of removing the jQuery library from GOV.UK’s public facing applications and the performance impact it had for our users.
Revealed: The climate cost of 'disposable smartphones'
Extending the lifespan of smartphones and other electronics by just one year would save the EU as much carbon emissions as taking 2 million cars off the roads annually, a new study finds.
How to measure your design system?
Why measuring your design system is more important than you think, and why measuring sooner rather than later is imperative.
Use image CDNs to optimize images
Image CDNs are excellent at optimizing images. Switching to an image CDN can yield a 40–80% savings in image bytes.
Halve the size of images by optimising for high density displays
Why compressing images for dense screens is different, and how to serve them
Lou Montulli and the invention of cookie | Hidden Heroes
In 1994, Lou Montulli wrote a snippet of code that introduced a new way of sharing identity on the Web—the cookie. Read the story behind its inventor.
Everyday Data Science
In this interactive course, you’ll participate in my life stories, and learn data science tricks for optimizing your day-to-day life. You’ll make the perfect glass of lemonade using Thompson sampling. You’ll lose weight with differential equations. And you might just qualify for the Olympics with a bit of statistics!
The man who made the “worst” video game in history - The Hustle
Howard Scott Warshaw’s video game was blamed for single-handedly sinking a multibillion-dollar market. But the true story is more complicated.
One small step for earth
Small steps you can take to support the climate fight.