Coder Survival Guide

Coder Survival Guide

Tags Gone Wild! Managing Tag Managers
Tags Gone Wild! Managing Tag Managers
Tools like Google Tag Manager and Adobe Tag Manager offer wonderful capabilities, but they can be detrimental to user experience
Tags Gone Wild! Managing Tag Managers
Testing for Frontend SPOF
Testing for Frontend SPOF
Steve Souders had a great blog post last year that talked about Frontend Single Points Of Failure (SPOF).  Given the continuing rise in 3rd...
Testing for Frontend SPOF
Ecodesign audit for websites and web applications regarding Sustainable IT and Green IT compliance. This audit is based on GR491, handbook of sustainable design of digital services published by INR, European Institute for Sustainable IT.
Creating low-carbon images for the web
Creating low-carbon images for the web
Images are the most popular resource type. The tendency is that more and more images are used on websites, and hence they are becoming heavier.
Creating low-carbon images for the web
How To Create An Information Architecture That Is Easy To Use — Smashing Magazine
How To Create An Information Architecture That Is Easy To Use — Smashing Magazine
If users cannot find the answers to their questions or are not exposed to critical messaging, they will not act, and your website will fail. To prevent that from happening, you need an effective information architecture. In this article, Paul Boag provides you with a process to ensure you have precisely that.
How To Create An Information Architecture That Is Easy To Use — Smashing Magazine
Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
One of the main benefits of JavaScript is that it runs both in the browser and the server. As an engineer you need to master a single language and your skills…
Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
Resource Hint Validator
Resource Hint Validator
Check that dns-prefetch, preconnect, preload, and prefetch browser resource hints are working correctly on your website.
Resource Hint Validator
Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets - Infrequently Noted
Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets - Infrequently Noted
Performance budgets are an essential but under-appreciated part of product success and team health. Most partners we work with are not aware of the real-world operating environment and make inappropriate technology choices as a result. We set a time budget of less than 5 seconds first-load Time-to-Interactive and less than two seconds for subsequent loads. We further constrain ourselves to a baseline device and network configuration to measure progress. 2017's global baseline is a ~$200 Android device on a 400Kbps link with a 400ms round-trip-time ('RTT'). This translates to ~130-170KB of critical-path resources, depending on composition; the more JS you include, the smaller the bundle must be.
Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets - Infrequently Noted