UX glossary

Coder Survival Guide
AI chatbots lose money every time you use them. That is a problem.
The sheer expense of operating chatbots could throttle the artificial intelligence boom.
Brute.Fail: Watch brute force attacks fail in real time
bundlejs - Online bundler + npm package bundle size checker
A quick and easy way to bundle, minify, and compress (gzip and brotli) your ts, js, jsx and npm projects all online, with the bundle file size.
PDF Accessibility Checker 2021 • abracadabraPDF
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Mobile Site Abandonment After Delayed Load Time
Discover the latest data on @ThinkwithGoogle
Android: Resource Consumption in Native and Web Applications - FULLTEXT01.pdf
Performance Is Not a Checklist - Web Performance Consulting | TimKadlec.com
Performance Testing Tutorial | Performance Testing Basics |
Best Performance Testing Tutorial and Site which helps to provide the core and in-depth knowledge of Performance Testing.
Je ne suis pas une data | UFC-Que Choisir
Reprenez le contrôle de vos données personnelles avec la campagne de mobilisation #JeNeSuisPasUneData d'UFC-Que Choisir.
Uncovering the Environmental Impact of Software Life Cycle
The environmental footprint of a software service development may be impacted by several factors, spanning human factors to infrastructure choices. To the best of our knowledge, the state of the art in the domain of environmental footprint fails i) to address the full spectrum of software services life cycle, from design to operation and maintenance and ii) to cover different categories of impacts. In this paper, we therefore introduce a methodology and the associated model to guide the software development ecosystem and their stakeholders in estimating the environmental footprint of their projects along multiple impact categories. This holistic approach delivers actionable insights to identify potential shifting between phases, such as development and usage, but also hotspots among resources consumed to produce and operate software services. We report on a sample case study that emphasizes the importance of development impact on a software life cycle and shows the relative importance of phases, as well as resources consumed.
greenframe-cli/README.md at main · marmelab/greenframe-cli
La sobriété éditoriale de Ferréole Lespinasse | Sobriété Durable
Usability Guidelines For Better Carousels UX — Smashing Magazine
Carousels don’t have a good reputation, and rightfully so. But we can make them more useful. Best practices and guidelines to improve the carousel design with honest scrolling direction, labels, thumbnails and grouped prev/next-buttons.
Les formations - DesignGouv
Over one hundred French public bodies transfer personal data to Google – illegally
The French Council of State, the French Customs, and until very recently, the French Presidency, are among at least 184 French public websites that use Google Analytics, illegally allowing the tran…
An extensible text editor framework that does things differently
A new vision of artificial intelligence for the people
ln a remote rural town in New Zealand, an Indigenous couple is challenging what AI could be and who it should serve.
5 open source tips to reduce waste in web design
Achieve zero waste web design with these open source tools and tips.
Make your technology sustainable
Increase sustainability throughout the lifecycle of your technology.
Foundations of Humane Technology Course - Center for Humane Technology
A free, self-paced online course for professionals shaping tomorrow's technology. Join thousands globally, including people from top organizations such as Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and the United Nations.
Is the metaverse really the future we want?
There’s been a lot of hype about the metaverse in the past few months since Facebook rebranded its parent company as Meta and announced that it was becoming a metaverse company. When I’m giving presentations about the future of the internet and sustainability these days, the metaverse is increasingly a topic that the audience wants […]
Greener Design - ClimateAction.tech
The info on this page is public
Tags Gone Wild! Managing Tag Managers
Tools like Google Tag Manager and Adobe Tag Manager offer wonderful capabilities, but they can be detrimental to user experience
The Duality of CLS with Lazy Loading Components
Why lazy loadable components can cause CLS on slower connections and how to prevent it.
Setting the right benchmarks for site speed in government - Ad Hoc
As we think about ways in which government sites meet the needs of their users, speed is an integral part of what makes a site inclusive and accessible to more people.
Testing for Frontend SPOF
Steve Souders had a great blog post last year that talked about Frontend Single Points Of Failure (SPOF). Given the continuing rise in 3rd...
The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing JavaScript for Quick Page Loads
Great performance is key for great UX. We’ve told you how to tackle the low-hanging fruit: optimizing images for faster page loads. Now it’s time to fight the boss: JavaScript. Check out our handy guide!
Introduction · HonKit