What people think building a sustainable internet involves vs what it might actually be - The Green Web Foundation
Dear diary, We’ve been asked by Chris and Michelle to write a post that summarises 5 things we’ve learned in the fellowship so far. It’s been a great prompt to take stock and summarise the vast amount of learning I’ve done. I dashed off a quick list a few weeks back. Since then, whenever something… Read More »What people think building a sustainable internet involves vs what it might actually be
SDIA is the first alliance created as an authoritative source of industry leaders and information forging the way for sustainable digital infrastructure.
Support the development of a sustainability certificate for digital resources from cloud infrastructure.
Sign our pledge and support the development of an independent Type I sustainability certificate that helps you procure responsibly. Identify suppliers who meet strong environmental and social requirements, and who deliver the transparent information required for the certificate's sustainability reporting.
Now we have a sustainability channel in Making WordPress Slack, what should we do?
At WCEU 2022, Nora Ferreirós from the Spanish WordPress community, asked Matt and Josepha about their thoughts on supporting sustainability concerns within the community. Matt suggested setting up …
A guide to the AI Act, the EU’s upcoming AI rulebook you should watch out for - AlgorithmWatch
The EU plans to regulate Artificial Intelligence across all sectors. A process highly fought over by the interests of Big Tech and those trying to guard fundamental rights. This guide will help you understand the new law, which systems could be banned and how you might be affected.
Automating Immigration and Asylum: The Uses of New Technologies in Migration and Asylum Governance in Europe
This report maps out the existing uses of new technologies across European immigration and asylum systems both at the national and the EU level. This is the first mapping report under the AFAR project.
The advantages and disadvantages of AMOLED display technology demonstrate the limitations of this popular innovation used in smartphones and other devices
Et si on corrigeait l’accessibilité du site de cagnotte en ligne Leetchi ? - La Lutine du Web
Il y a quelques jours, je me suis mise à la recherche d’un site de cagnotte en ligne et qui, bien sûr, serait un minimum accessible pour que les personnes handicapées (et notamment les personnes aveugles qui rencontrent des difficultés insurmontables sur les sites inaccessibles) puissent donner aussi. J’ai posé la question sur Twitter pour savoir si des personnes aveugles avaient réussi à en utiliser. Visiblement, pas trop. Alors, je suis allée jeter un œil avisé : aucun site de cagnotte en ligne ne semble être accessible. Pour finir, j’ai quand même jeté mon dévolu sur Leetchi. J’ai commencé à faire une feuille de style personnalisée pour corriger deux-trois trucs. Et, de fil en aiguille, j’ai repéré des choses que je ne pouvais pas corriger avec CSS… Alors, je me suis dit que j’allais faire une extension de navigateur pour pouvoir ajouter du JavaScript (JS), aussi. Et voilà à quoi j’ai passé mon samedi : surcharger le site de Leetchi avec du CSS et JS personnalisé pour corriger des gros soucis d’accessibilité.
Investigating the Correlation between Performance Scores and Energy Consumption of Mobile Web Apps | Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
joular/powerjoular: PowerJoular allows monitoring power consumption of multiple platforms and processes.
PowerJoular allows monitoring power consumption of multiple platforms and processes. - GitHub - joular/powerjoular: PowerJoular allows monitoring power consumption of multiple platforms and processes.
joular/powermodels: A database containing power models for various computing components, and hardware devices.
A database containing power models for various computing components, and hardware devices. - joular/powermodels: A database containing power models for various computing components, and hardware de...
Music Theory Cheat Sheet: Keys, Scales, Chords, Notes & Intervals | muted.io
An interactive music theory cheat sheet with scales, diatonic chords, notes on the piano, notes on the staff and key signature for all major and minor keys.