Under the circumstances of the global environmental issues of global warming and the exhaustion of natural resources, Eco-Friendly Web Alliance (EFWA) embarked on a journey by setting the world's first eco standard for websites and digital infrastructure. Sustainability has never been more important. Environmental sustainability and economic prosperity certainly can go hand-in-hand as we address the climate crisis.
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Le jeu vidéo a toujours été politique.
Le jeu vidéo sera toujours politique.”
Carbon Offsets: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
John Oliver explains what carbon offsets are, what they claim to do, how they might be making climate change even worse, and, of course, how Oscar Isaac is g...
Boavizta/boagent: Local API and monitoring agent focussed on environmental impacts of the host.
Local API and monitoring agent focussed on environmental impacts of the host. - Boavizta/boagent: Local API and monitoring agent focussed on environmental impacts of the host.
Décret n° 2022-1084 du 29 juillet 2022 relatif à l'élaboration d'une stratégie numérique responsable par les communes de plus de 50 000 habitants et les établissements publics de coopération intercommunale à fiscalité propre de plus de 50 000 habitants - Légifrance
Décret n° 2022-1084 du 29 juillet 2022 relatif à l'élaboration d'une stratégie numérique responsable ...
Unless you have skipped a lot of school, or work, or both – or you live in the USA – you have probably used an A4 sheet of paper before now. Have you ever wondered …
Electricity Consumption and Operational Carbon Emissions of European Telecom Network Operators - Electricity_Consumption_and_Operational_Carbon_Emi.pdf
Munter/subfont: Command line tool to optimize your webfont loading. Aggressive subsetting based on your font use, self-hosting of Google fonts and preloading
Command line tool to optimize your webfont loading. Aggressive subsetting based on your font use, self-hosting of Google fonts and preloading - Munter/subfont: Command line tool to optimize your we...
Captcha et numérique responsable : quelles solutions ? - Empreinte Digitale, le blog
Les Captchas font partie de notre quotidien. Ils posent malheureusement d'importants problèmes en termes d'accessibilité, protection des données ou écoconception. Quelles alternatives responsables pouvons nous mettre en place ?
De l'urgence de migrer sur Drupal 9 : conseils et intérêts de la migration
Vous exploitez un site sous Drupal 7 ou 8 ? Quels sont les enjeux, les risques et comment effectuer une migration en douceur vers Drupal 9 ? On vous dit tout !
Accessibility Not-Checklist | Brewed by team Intopia
The Accessibility Not-Checklist acts as a guide to make sure you haven’t missed anything. If you’re new to accessibility, the resource provides a foundation – it’s an overview of what you’ll need to consider, but it won’t teach you WCAG from front to back.