Coder Survival Guide

Coder Survival Guide

Numérique et environnement : Comment évaluer l’empreinte de la fabrication d’un serveur, au-delà des émissions de gaz à effet de serre ? | Boavizta
Numérique et environnement : Comment évaluer l’empreinte de la fabrication d’un serveur, au-delà des émissions de gaz à effet de serre ? | Boavizta
Beaucoup d'organisations sont aujourd'hui dépendantes des Data Centers. Or, l'impact de ces infrastructures est encore mal connu, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la phase de fabrication du matériel présent dans ces centres. Pour répondre à ces lacunes, le collectif Boavizta est parvenu à définir des formules de calcul permettant d'estimer l'empreinte environnementale de la phase de fabrication des serveurs, qui sont les équipements les plus nombreux au sein des Data Centers. Ces formules sont le résultat d'un long travail de recherche et de nombreuses itérations que cet article se propose de restituer ici.
Numérique et environnement : Comment évaluer l’empreinte de la fabrication d’un serveur, au-delà des émissions de gaz à effet de serre ? | Boavizta
Readle - App Optimisation & Consultancy
Readle - App Optimisation & Consultancy
Having worked primarily on website performance, the chance to work on Readle's native mobile apps was a new challenge. Here's how we improved app speed and delivered greater user satisfaction.
Readle - App Optimisation & Consultancy
jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable CDN for Open Source
jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable CDN for Open Source
Supports npm, GitHub, WordPress, Deno, and more. Largest network and best performance among all CDNs. Serving more than 80 billion requests per month. Built for production use.
jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable CDN for Open Source
Accessibility fundamentals - Learn
Accessibility fundamentals - Learn
At Microsoft, we understand the power of technology, and that’s why we continue to innovate, create, and design in a way that gives everyone the ability to achieve more. Trainings like this learning path, which covers accessibility fundamentals, are an important and necessary part of Microsoft’s accessibility strategy to support customers of all abilities. Don’t forget to share your awards on social media after completing each module!
Accessibility fundamentals - Learn
Upcycling Android - FSFE
Upcycling Android - FSFE
Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology. We enable people to use, understand, adapt, and share software.
Upcycling Android - FSFE
Sustainable Ecommerce Handbook - The Ecomm Manager
Sustainable Ecommerce Handbook - The Ecomm Manager
The Sustainable Ecommerce Handbook The Rise of Ethical Shopping and How to Build a Green & Lean Online Brand Get now It’s free. Just fill out the form: By clicking Submit, you accept to subscribe to the ECM newsletter. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the prevalence of ecommerce in the lives of consumers. This upward trend coincides with another — the rise of ethical consumption in response to our impact on the planet and the exploitation of people and resources. […]
Sustainable Ecommerce Handbook - The Ecomm Manager
Great New Summary of Sustainable Web Design
Great New Summary of Sustainable Web Design
There have been a LOT of descriptions of “how to do sustainable web” over the years, mine included, some easier to read and use than others. Some are essays, like Tim Frick’s rece…
Great New Summary of Sustainable Web Design
Internationalization (i18n) | Google Developers
Internationalization (i18n) | Google Developers
Google's mission is to organize the emworld's/em information and make it emuniversally/em accessible and useful. Google's tools help developers reach a global audience of users, no matter where they are or which languages they speak.
Internationalization (i18n) | Google Developers
Lowww. A directory of low-carbon websites.
Lowww. A directory of low-carbon websites.
More data means more carbon emissions. While the median page weight of websites is increasing every year, we are collecting websites that go in the opposite direction without compromising design quality.
Lowww. A directory of low-carbon websites.
Hey Low
Hey Low
We are a design studio building low-carbon brands and websites.
Hey Low