NimbusSanL-Regu - zhang10oct.pdf

Coder Survival Guide
macbre/phantomas: Headless Chromium-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool
Headless Chromium-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool - macbre/phantomas: Headless Chromium-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool
EcoPing provides tools and reports with key insights & actions
to reduce your company's website carbon emissions &
boost performance. Reducing the impact on our lovely planet.
Accueil - Base Impacts® - Accueil
ANDI - Accessibility Testing Tool - Install
ANDI accessibility testing tool. A free tool to test websites for accessibility.
What every JavaScript developer should know about Unicode
Unicode in JavaScript: basic concepts, escape sequences, normalization, surrogate pairs, combining marks and how to avoid pitfalls
Référentiel général d'écoconception de services numériques (RGESN) - Numérique écoresponsable
Référentiel mené dans le cadre de la mission interministérielle « Green Tech » et co-pilotée par la Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM), le Ministère de la Transition Écologique, mais également l’ADEME et l’Institut du Numérique Responsable.
HTTP caching - HTTP | MDN
The performance of web sites and applications can be significantly improved by reusing previously fetched resources. Web caches reduce latency and network traffic and thus lessen the time needed to display resource representations. HTTP caching makes Web sites more responsive.
The Tarot Cards Of Tech
Ethical Explorer Pack – Tools to help manage the future impact of today’s tech
The Ethical Explorer Pack is your go-to tool for building tech that values fundamental human rights, empowers users, and creates healthy online experiences.
Responsible tech playbook - tw_ebook_responsible_tech_playbook_2021.pdf
Planet Mark and Google partnership | Net Zero training programme
We have partnered with Google to develop a new sustainability programme aimed at SMEs to help them reach net zero carbon.
Hocus :focus
A keyboard navigation horror game. Find the 🎃 pumkin.
Qu'est-ce qu'une situation d'apprentissage?
L'équipe de la bibliothèque en ligne Alexandrie FGA vous présente les caractéristiques et le rôle d'une situation d'apprentissage.
L'anatomie d'une situation d'apprentissage - par Janie Lamoureux
Comment s'assurer qu'une situation d'apprentissage fonctionne bien? Sur quels éléments doit-on se pencher davantage quand on écrit une SA pour la formation g...
Apprendre plus vite : Le Cône d'Apprentissage de Dale
Et si une simple astuce vous aidait à mieux apprendre et retenir tout ce que vous souhaitez, dans votre vie de tous les jours ? Découvrez-la dès à présent !
1ea77dd10cd0854e95eb934635fd4128.png (PNG Image, 1344 × 1008 pixels) — Scaled (77%)
GitHub Advisory Database
A database of software vulnerabilities, using data from maintainer-submitted advisories and from other vulnerability databases.
GR491, Le Guide de Référence de Conception Responsable de Services Numériques | INR
Bienvenue sur le site qui présente le GR491, le guide de référence de conception de services numériques publié par l'Institut du Numérique Responsable.
Le guide d'un numérique plus responsable - La librairie ADEME
Learn Enough Docker to be Useful
Part 1: The Conceptual Landscape
The Ultimate Guide to API Design
The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has been a mainstay in software development for decades, but choosing the wrong process can have disastrous effects on the...
Solid - A Better Web (Simply Explained)
We have no privacy on the web anymore. Our data is stored with many third-parties, some even sell it behind our backs. Solid aims to put all our data in a si...
PICO-8 Fantasy Console
PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.
futurecoder: learn python from scratch
10 WordPress Security Tips to Keep Your Site Safe
Why the topic of WordPress security tips? Because all sites are vulnerable. No mater how much work you've put into launching yours.
WAVE Accessibility Extension – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
axe: Accessibility Testing Tools and Software
axe is the world’s most popular accessibility testing toolkit built. Visit our website to start building accessibility into your development process.
Marcy Sutton: ”Garbage Pail Components” — Clarity 2019
Oh, the horror! Hot garbage has taken over the web. Carousel Carol, Type-Ahead Tommy, Shallow Dom, Wastin' JSON...the gang's all here. We'll turn the "bad ac...