How to answer questions in a helpful way

Coder Survival Guide
A General Introduction to Cloud Computing | DigitalOcean
This conceptual article provides an introduction to the history, features, benefits, and risks of cloud computing. It is part of the Cloud Computing curriculum, which includes beginner-friendly, hands-on tutorials for setting up and securing servers,
Council Post: I Don't Scan QR Codes, And Neither Should You
You have no idea if the contents are safe or malicious.
The 84 biggest flops, fails, and dead dreams of the decade in tech
Some of these ideas caught fire — but not in the ways their creators hoped.
What is Usability Testing? A Complete 2021 Guide | Maze
Usability testing is the practice of evaluating your product with real people. Learn everything you need to know to create and run effective usability tests and get actionable insights from users.
The Ultimate Guide to UX Research
This ultimate guide to UX Research includes everything you need to know to run effective research: best practices, tips, tools, and advice from expert practitioners in the research field.
Reducing the Site-Speed Impact of Third-Party Tags
Here's how I approach reducing the impact that 3rd-party tags can have on site speed
An opinionated guide to accessibility testing /// Iain Bean
Automated tools like Lighthouse are great, but if you want to really understand accessibility, you’ll need to get your hands dirty.
danluu/post-mortems: A collection of postmortems. Sorry for the delay in merging PRs!
A collection of postmortems. Sorry for the delay in merging PRs! - danluu/post-mortems: A collection of postmortems. Sorry for the delay in merging PRs!
World smallest office suite
Let's build a tiny browser-based office suite - a text editor, a speadsheet, a drawing app and a presentation maker - all in four lines of code.
Brian Tracy - copy-paste-shell
Brian C Tracy Brown University Palo Alto personal website Brian Tracy - copy-paste-shell
Pirate Care
Network of activists, researchers and practitioners against the criminalisation of solidarity & for a common care infrastructure.
Index - Cyberfeminism Index
Media Manipulation Casebook
A digital research platform linking together theory, methods, and practice for mapping media manipulation and disinformation cam
Cabin Analytics
No cookies, no consent banners, no ad networks, 100% GDPR & CCPA compliant, low footprint web analytics.
Home - ClimateAction.Tech
Low-tech Lab – Faire un site low-tech ?
Le Low-tech Lab est un programme de recherche et de documentation Open-Source visant à valoriser l’innovation low-tech tout en boostant son développement.
Se former au numérique responsable
La plateforme RSE de la métropole nantaise a co-construit avec 10 réseaux nantais un module d’accompagnement sur le numérique responsable : #Numériquetraining. (durée : 1h30)
LinkedOut : partagez votre réseau avec ceux qui n’en ont pas
Lorsque l'on est exclu, les chances de trouver du travail sont proches de zéro. Avec LinkedOut, faites don de votre visibilité. Un partage peut tout changer.
A Day in Data - Raconteur
Peut-on s’opposer à l’informatisation du monde ? | Terrestres
Terrestres | Peut-on s’opposer à l’informatisation du monde ?
Présentation PowerPoint - 2019-09-26_ANF.pdf
Impact environnemental de l’IA – EcoInfo
Cisco Annual Internet Report - Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018–2023) White Paper
The Cisco Annual Internet Report is a global forecast/analysis that assesses digital transformation across various business segments (enterprise, small-to-medium business, public sector, and service provider). The report covers fixed broadband, Wi-Fi, and mobile (3G, 4G, 5G) networking. Quantitative projections are provided on the growth of Internet users, devices and connections as well as network performance and new application requirements.
La consommation de métaux du numérique : un secteur loin d’être dématérialisé
France Stratégie, le Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective, est un organisme de réflexion, d’expertise et de concertation placé auprès du Premier ministre. 4 missions orchestrent son action : Évaluer, Anticiper, Débattre, Proposer
A list of resources to think about free software and open source challenges
Play the long game when learning to code.
Aspiring coders tend to take one of two types of learning approaches. The first involves trying to learn syntax as fast as possible. The second emphasizes understanding above all. It may take longer, but I hope to show how it's better in the end.