
Coder Survival Guide
Présentation PowerPoint - 2019-09-26_ANF.pdf
Impact environnemental de l’IA – EcoInfo
Cisco Annual Internet Report - Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018–2023) White Paper
The Cisco Annual Internet Report is a global forecast/analysis that assesses digital transformation across various business segments (enterprise, small-to-medium business, public sector, and service provider). The report covers fixed broadband, Wi-Fi, and mobile (3G, 4G, 5G) networking. Quantitative projections are provided on the growth of Internet users, devices and connections as well as network performance and new application requirements.
La consommation de métaux du numérique : un secteur loin d’être dématérialisé
France Stratégie, le Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective, est un organisme de réflexion, d’expertise et de concertation placé auprès du Premier ministre. 4 missions orchestrent son action : Évaluer, Anticiper, Débattre, Proposer
A list of resources to think about free software and open source challenges
Play the long game when learning to code.
Aspiring coders tend to take one of two types of learning approaches. The first involves trying to learn syntax as fast as possible. The second emphasizes understanding above all. It may take longer, but I hope to show how it's better in the end.
Before You Start Coding
Developer's pre-flight checklist
Unfck the internet
It’s an amazing place. But we can all feel the ways it’s fcked, too. Here are some things you can do to unfck it!
Pour en finir avec le « colonialisme technologique » | Mais où va le Web
Data & Society publie l’intervention de l’anthropologue Sareeta Amrute de l’université de Chicago à EPIC2019 : Tech Colonialism Today.
Tracker | BlueKai
Tracker profile of BlueKai. Reach, domains it operates under, tracking technology, web presence by type of site and more.
Le blog d'un maître de conférences en sciences de l'information.
ISSN 2260-1856
How to remember what you learn
Make it time-based, apply metacognition & active recall, and learn what you’re curious about.
Formations abordant les aspects environnementaux du numérique – EcoInfo
(2) Coder pour quel futur ? | LinkedIn
tl;dr ? Trop long, pas lu ? On va parler de l'Anthropocène, des impacts du numérique, d'obésiciel, d'éco-conception web et de s'impliquer pour un futur souhaitable ! « Je ne veux plus me mentir » Je suis Richard et le web est ma passion depuis 1996, époque où on se connectait à Internet avec un mode
Carbon-Aware Kubernetes
If you are running microservices these days there is a high probability you are managing them with Kubernetes. Kubernetes makes container management easy and its websites boasts of “Planet Scale”, “Never Outgrow”, and “Run Anywhere” as some of its key features.
A collection of resources and posts to help people understand compression algorithms.
Git Exercises
Does Web Performance Matter? It Depends. | Aleksandr Hovhannisyan
Some big brands have a slow page load speed, but they still rank well on Google. So does web performance even matter?
Démanteler les infrastructures de surveillance et de discrimination massives ?
Si les annonces de moratoires dans le domaine de la reconnaissance faciale semblent soulager un certain nombre de ses opposants, il ne fait aucun ...
Oracle’s BlueKai tracks you across the web. That data spilled online – TechCrunch
Exclusive: The data exposure is one of the biggest this year.
Design Justice
An exploration of how design might be led by marginalized communities, dismantle structural inequality, and advance collective liberation and ecological survival.
Algorithmic Equity Toolkit
algorithmic accountability toolkit
NOS VOIX NOS COMBATS | Les militant·e·s face au cyberharcèlement
The Real Cost of Poor Website Quality
Bloated pages, sluggish load times—and worse. Most companies have no clue how much these issues are undermining their digital marketing spend. The solution? Website quality management.
Design better by avoiding your cognitive biases
Can you outsmart your brain? Seven biases that mess up your designs and what you can do against them.
Hacking Grindr Accounts with Copy and Paste
Sexuality, relationships and online dating are all rather personal things. They're aspects of our lives that many people choose to keep private or at the very least, share only with people of our choosing. Grindr is "The World's Largest Social Networking App for Gay, Bi, Trans, and Queer People" which
Scars, Tattoos, And License Plates: This Is What Palantir And The LAPD Know About You
Newly revealed documents show how Los Angeles police were trained to use the flagship product of the most secretive company in law enforcement.
The Stack Overflow Antipattern
Sometimes programming can be frustrating. In the last few years I’ve noticed a recurrent pattern that drives me mad. I like to call it Stack Overflow Antipattern.