Entretien avec Guy LE BOTERF

Coder Survival Guide
WayToLearnX - Plateforme e-learning
Apprenez les compétences techniques dont vous aurais besoin pour le travail que vous souhaitez. En tant que leader de l’éducation en ligne et de l’apprentissage, nous avons enseigné à-peu-près de 10 millions de personnes à l’aide d’un programme d’enseignement éprouvé et d’un environnement d’apprentissage interactif. Commencez par HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, Data Science, etc.
The Psychology Behind TikTok's Addictive Feed
This TikTok case study shows you the psychological principles that make their video feed so addictive (and how that could be made more humane).
7 hébergements web plus écologiques certifiés - Le bon digital,
PUE, normes ISO, déceler du greenwashing... Voici les clés pour choisir un hébergement web écologique et des hébergements engagés.
Le poids des objets connectés dans la pollution numérique
La pollution des objets connectés inquiète. Plongeons-nous dans la croissance exponentielle de ces high-tech quotidiennes.
Simple Anomaly Detection Using Plain SQL
Identify Problems Before They Become Disasters
What is an algorithm?
Algorithms power the modern world, but many people don't understand them. Here's the definition of an algorithm and how they're affecting our world.
Blacklight – The Markup
A Real-Time Website Privacy Inspector
Focus on the waste: Developing an earth experience culture in digital
The greatest challenge we have today both in the physical and digital world is waste. It’s not an energy production problem we have. It’s a waste production problem. The defining characteristic of “rich” world culture is profligate waste. We create, for example, so much plastic waste that geologists are seeing a sedimentary layer of plastic...
Content delivery networks (CDNs)
This article provides a comprehensive overview of content delivery networks (CDNs). In addition, it explains how to choose, configure, and optimize a CDN setup.
Framework | Challenge Based Learning
Limitez votre PHP : optimisations pour une meilleure gestion des ressources | blog Bearstech
En environnement LAMP (mais c’est valable partout), vous avez tous un jour été confrontés à un cruel dilemme : le coût en ressources nécessaire pour laisser votre PHP s’exprimer librement, mais pas n’importe comment.
Compensation carbone et Treewashing : Jonathan Guyot
Jonathan Guyot revient sur le principe de compensation carbone et sur ces cas flagrant de Treewashing, où certaines entreprises ...
#ServingGreen: There are many things we can do to to make sure that the apps we build, the data we share, and the sites we visit are good for people and planet.
Old, Good Database Design
Applications, even databases come and go, but data is the most important part of the story. Usually, data is the purpose of the system exists in the first place. That’s why we should consider…
JavaScript for Data Science
Why your internet habits are not as clean as you think
The internet allows us to send messages, share pictures, download music and stream videos at a touch of a button, but our online habits have a surprising impact on the environment.
Chapter 4: Search
Previously in web history... After an influx of rapid browser development following the creation of the web, Mosaic becomes the popular choice.
JavaScript & Frameworks — Smashing Magazine
React, Vue, or perhaps the lightweight Alpine.js? Whether you are an experienced JavaScript developer working with one of these frameworks, or just starting to learn, our authors have created some tutorials for you.
Marketers And Publishers Are Making More Money By Using Less Adtech
Venture-backed adtech companies would like everyone to believe that their tech will magically make them more money (classic example of snake oil).
Phishing tricks – the Top Ten Treacheries of 2020
Here’s the Top Ten – or perhaps we mean The Worst Ten. How many would you fall for?
Database of Databases
The on-line encyclopedia of databases systems from Carnegie Mellon University.
Curriculum Guide
Contribute to yaelwrites/Big-Ass-Data-Broker-Opt-Out-List development by creating an account on GitHub.
Calculating the pollution cost of website analytics (Part 1)
The most dangerous cost is the cost closest to zero. The most dangerous concept is cheap. The cost close to zero easily becomes invisible. We don’t see it so we don’t think it exists, and that makes us consume with abandon, that makes us waste at will.That which is cheap—or, worse still, free—is nearly always abusive. It is often abusive of...
10 Tools You Should Know As A Cybersecurity Engineer
From scanning to post-exploitation, there are numerous tools that help you accomplish your goal as a penetration tester. Here are ten…
Metasploit Unleashed | Offensive Security
Metasploit Unleashed (MSFU) is a Free Online Ethical Hacking Course by Offensive Security, which benefits Hackers for Charity. Learn how to use Metasploit.
The ReadME Project
The ReadME Project amplifies the voices of the open source community: the maintainers, developers, and teams whose contributions move the world forward every day.
Free Javascript challenges. Learn Javascript online by solving coding exercises. Javascript for all levels. Solve Javascript tasks from beginner to advanced levels.
Make a Useful Customer Journey Map [Template Download]
A customer journey map can help you design better products and services. Learn how to create them with this post that includes a free downloadable template.