Coder Survival Guide

Coder Survival Guide

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What people think building a sustainable internet involves vs what it might actually be - The Green Web Foundation
What people think building a sustainable internet involves vs what it might actually be - The Green Web Foundation
Dear diary, We’ve been asked by Chris and Michelle to write a post that summarises 5 things we’ve learned in the fellowship so far. It’s been a great prompt to take stock and summarise the vast amount of learning I’ve done. I dashed off a quick list a few weeks back. Since then, whenever something… Read More »What people think building a sustainable internet involves vs what it might actually be
What people think building a sustainable internet involves vs what it might actually be - The Green Web Foundation
Home · SDIA
Home · SDIA
SDIA is the first alliance created as an authoritative source of industry leaders and information forging the way for sustainable digital infrastructure.
Home · SDIA
Check the sustainability from your hosting company and the CO2 generated by your IP address.
Assists you in creating climate-friendly WordPress websites.
CEDaCI | Home
CEDaCI | Home
CEDaCI increases collaboration and communication to drive sustainability in the data industry.
CEDaCI | Home
Support the development of a sustainability certificate for digital resources from cloud infrastructure.
Support the development of a sustainability certificate for digital resources from cloud infrastructure.
Sign our pledge and support the development of an independent Type I sustainability certificate that helps you procure responsibly. Identify suppliers who meet strong environmental and social requirements, and who deliver the transparent information required for the certificate's sustainability reporting.
Support the development of a sustainability certificate for digital resources from cloud infrastructure.
A guide to the AI Act, the EU’s upcoming AI rulebook you should watch out for - AlgorithmWatch
A guide to the AI Act, the EU’s upcoming AI rulebook you should watch out for - AlgorithmWatch
The EU plans to regulate Artificial Intelligence across all sectors. A process highly fought over by the interests of Big Tech and those trying to guard fundamental rights. This guide will help you understand the new law, which systems could be banned and how you might be affected.
A guide to the AI Act, the EU’s upcoming AI rulebook you should watch out for - AlgorithmWatch