Navigating Accessibility Responsibilities: A Role-Based Approach - GovLoop
Digital accessibility is complex. Having a clear sense of the responsibilities of each of the multiple roles involved can keep important aspects from falling through the cracks.
Services numériques publics : une circulaire et une ordonnance pour renforcer l’accessibilité et le design
Deux textes importants relatifs à l’amélioration de la qualité des démarches numériques, de leur lisibilité et au renforcement de leur accessibilité viennent en appui des missions confiées à la Direction interministérielle du numérique (Dinum).
Early last week, Google released a new stable update for Chrome. The update included a single security fix that was reported by Apple's Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR) team. The issue, CVE-2023-4863, was a heap buffer overflow in the WebP image library, and it had a familiar warning attached:
When it comes to repeatable SVGs, most people would create a component and reuse it anywhere they want. There's a high chance, that you would be missing some performance freebies. If you're striving for that bang-for-the-buck kind of performance, this article might be interesting for you.
Impacts importés des datacenters : l’angle mort des analyses territoriales des impacts du numérique
En août 2020, le Ministère de la Transition écologique et le Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Relance ont confié à l’ADEME et l’Arcep une mission commune visant à mesurer l’empreinte environnementale du numérique en France et à identifier des leviers d’actions et des bonnes pratiques pour la réduire. Les deux organisations ont remis en janvier 2022 les deux premiers volets consacrés à la mesure de l’ensemble de cette empreinte en 2020. Nous tentons d'apporter un complément à cette étude sur le volet des datacenters.
Sustainable Web Design: Things you can do without asking your clients permission
Are you looking for ways to make client websites more sustainable without asking permission? Look no further, cause here we have listed 16 fixes you can do.
Der CO2-Fußabdruck unseres digitalen Lebensstils/ The carbon footprint of our digital lifestyles [deu/eng] - Öko-Institut e.V.: Blog
Wieviel CO2-Emissionen verursacht eine Google-Anfrage? Jens Gröger stellt diese beliebte Journalistinnen- und Journalisten-Frage in einen größeren Kontext und berechnet beispielhaft den CO2-Fußabdruck unseres digitalen Lebensstils.
The Non-Human Persona Guide is a synthesis of learnings from various designers from around the world on how to identify, create, and use non-human/non-user personas to represent their needs during design and at decision making.
Pour des technologies, usages et expériences immersives plus responsables
Une démarche synthétique, prospective et multi-parties prenantes pour pousser les réflexions, les actions et les engagements vers une XR et des métavers plus responsables
New research suggests that operational and embodied carbon is mathematically incompatible · Green-Software-Foundation · Discussion #56
Hello everyone, I recently read the following conference paper which has led me to question the SCI's validity1. I obviously can't redistribute the paper here because of the license/copyrig...
You can add a widget to a page that displays the results of a Greenframe analysis of that page. You must first confirm that the analyzed page belongs to you, and add a JS snippet in the page.
It can be very tempting to work on planning and creating your game straight away. That drive to bring an idea to life is a core part of being a creator, whatever your medium. However, if you take time now to explore the underlying principles of inclusive design and accessibility, you’ll give yourself a strong foundation as you work on your game. The principles are also deeply practical. Your work starts now!
Frequent renewal of digital devices accounts for a large share of their environmental impact because of fabrication environmental costs. This renewal is often attributed to sociocultural phenomena (e.g. presentation of self or persuasive marketing) and to broken hardware (e.g. shattered screens or degraded batteries). We investigate a complementary aspect: how people live with devices as they are gradually becoming obsolete. We present a qualitative interview-based study with 18 participants on the role of software factors on the feeling of smartphone obsolescence. We identify three types of factors pushing for device renewal: upgrade issues, storage issues, and malfunctions. We find that these issues accumulate over time until a threshold is passed leading to renewal: we define this process as an obsolescence path. This threshold is often tied to contextual and social concerns. We also outline the various strategies people use to prolong the life of the almost obsolete devices. Our results show that hardware and software obsolescence are tied, and should be considered together as they trace obsolescence paths. Based on these observations, we identify design opportunities to extend the lifespan of devices.
Good practices in digital service ecodesign for software developers
This booklet is a complement to the 3 booklets of good practices related to software development proposed by the network of actors of software development within the french Education and Research: DevLOG.
This project is dedicated to good practices in terms of eco-design of digital services that allow to apprehend, understand and reduce the environmental impact of digital technology.
After explaining the general context in the first sheet, a second sheet ("But Why?") highlights the need to integrate an environmental dimension into our digital service designs, and consequently into our software developments. The third sheet ("When?") reminds us of the stages in the life cycle of a digital service and introduces the good practice sheets that correspond to the different stages: "Before", "During" and "After", bearing in mind that development is often iterative, and the boundaries between the different stages are permeable.
At the end of the booklet, you will find a specific sheet on eco-design practices for scientific computing, as well as sheets on development on mobile platforms, for the web and on hardware accelerators.