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Comment rendre les applications moins énergivores ?
Comment rendre les applications moins énergivores ?
C’est un vrai problème écologique : les applications mobiles semblent consommer toujours plus d’énergie. À Lille, Romain Rouvoy et ses collègues, chercheurs en sciences du logiciel, travaillent à rendre ces programmes informatiques plus sobres. Détails.
Comment rendre les applications moins énergivores ?
Do people really want to buy sustainable products?
Do people really want to buy sustainable products?
I’ve seen a lot of reports in recent years stating that consumers want to buy more eco-friendly and socially responsible products and services. Just as examples, a 2020 report from McKinsey found that two thirds of consumers consider sustainability when making a purchase, and research from YouGov
Do people really want to buy sustainable products?
Is money inflating the climate crisis?
Is money inflating the climate crisis?
Invest in inflation. It’s the only thing going up. That was a joke made around a century ago by actor and Mayor of Beverly Hills, Will Rogers. It seems just as appropriate now as everyone is feeling things getting more expensive. Food, energy, clothes, books, holidays, houses, cars, education. You name it and it’s going up in price.
Is money inflating the climate crisis?
Solar Hosting • Scott Evans
Solar Hosting • Scott Evans
A project to self host a website in Sweden using solar power, battery storage and a Raspberry Pi. Low tech homelab solution.
Solar Hosting • Scott Evans
FTC, Commercial Surveillance, and Overlays
FTC, Commercial Surveillance, and Overlays
August 22, 2022: FTC’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) is live as of today. You can share your public comments at Trade Regulation Rule on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security until Friday, October 21, 2022. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on August 11, 2022 announced it is exploring rules…
FTC, Commercial Surveillance, and Overlays
The impact of removing jQuery on our web performance
The impact of removing jQuery on our web performance
In this blog post, we explain the technical details of removing the jQuery library from GOV.UK’s public facing applications and the performance impact it had for our users.
The impact of removing jQuery on our web performance
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability
In continuing the Sustainable Systems series, Anne Currie focuses on architectural choices and sustainability and offers points for those who want to be carbon aware and follow principles of green software engineering in practice.
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability