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Ethical web development: Here you can learn more
Ethical web development: Here you can learn more
Do you want to learn ethical web development? Here you have a list that contains some of the best books, paid and free courses and YouTube videos to get you started fast!
Ethical web development: Here you can learn more
Souveraineté du numérique et enjeux environnementaux
Souveraineté du numérique et enjeux environnementaux
Des acteurs ont une souveraineté sur les infrastructures et les services du numérique. Leurs décisions ont des impacts environnementaux.
Souveraineté du numérique et enjeux environnementaux
Is Net Zero the finish line?
Is Net Zero the finish line?
I've always had a pretty simple success criteria for myself as a human, and for Wholegrain Digital as a business. Success for me means that the world is better off because we exist. If successful, whatever resources we take or harm we do will be outweighed by the contributions we make.
Is Net Zero the finish line?
Ethical Compass
Ethical Compass
Designing for responsible innovation means asking questions about the future that we want to build. To fulfil this commitment, we created our compass.
Ethical Compass
Performance Budgets: The Easiest Way to a Faster Site - Calibre
Performance Budgets: The Easiest Way to a Faster Site - Calibre
Until you set specific goals, it’s not clear what metric you want to improve, how you’ll do it, and who’s in charge of getting it there. Learn how to set performance budgets to meet and maintain your speed goals.
Performance Budgets: The Easiest Way to a Faster Site - Calibre
How Designers Destroyed the World - Mike Monteiro, at USI
How Designers Destroyed the World - Mike Monteiro, at USI
Information and subscription on http://www.usievents.comMike Monteiro run Mule Design Studio. He came to USI to talk about moral responsibility in its job.De...
How Designers Destroyed the World - Mike Monteiro, at USI
Métavers : les défis à relever pour cette doublure numérique du monde réel
Métavers : les défis à relever pour cette doublure numérique du monde réel
Présenté comme un secteur révolutionnaire par les géants de la tech qui veulent en tirer profit, le métavers ne fait pas l'unanimité. Plusieurs défis doivent être relevés dans les prochaines années pour convaincre le grand public et les régulateurs.
Métavers : les défis à relever pour cette doublure numérique du monde réel
Quality Is Systemic - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Quality Is Systemic - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Software quality is more the result of a system designed to produce quality, and not so much the result of individual performance. That is: a group of mediocre programmers working with a structure designed to produce quality will produce better software than a group of fantastic programmers working in a system designed with other goals.
Quality Is Systemic - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?
How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?
Volkswagen make clean diesel engines. Like really clean diesel. Or so they claimed. Their Clean Diesel technology was a key selling feature of some of their most popular vehicles. Then in 2015, it all fell apart when the US Environmental Protection Agency found that real world NOx emissions from their vehicles were forty times higher than in laboratory tests. To make it worse, this was not an accident. Volkswagen had programmed their engine management system to identify when a vehicle was going through an emissions test and modify engine performance to reduce emissions during the testing cycle. This was not only misleading, it was illegal. The deception affected 11 million cars worldwide and became known as the Dieselgate scandal, probably the best known example of corporate greenwashing.
How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?