Mine e-waste, not the Earth, say scientists - BBC News
Axeptio - Solution de recueil de consentement
RGPD - ePrivacy Solution de gestion de cookies. Vos services sont inoffensifs, utiles, voire essentiels pour vos utilisateurs ! Pour recueillir les consentements sur votre site internet (cookies, newsletter, phoning ...), on vous propose une solution ludique qui valorise votre métier et booste vos taux d’opt-in. Évidemment, c’est également la meilleure expérience que vous puissiez offrir à vos visiteurs.
The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap, 2021 - Infrequently Noted
A lot has changed since 2017 we I last estimated a global baseline for total page resource limits of 120-170KiB. Thanks to progress in networks and browsers (but not devices), the new baseline is much more generous: ~100KiB of HTML/CSS/fonts and ~300-350KiB of JS. But the devil's in the footnotes, and modern web development practices push the median page well above these guidelines.
Ethical Design Network
The Ethical Design Network was founded on 2022 by Trine Falbe, as a space for digital professionals to share, discuss and self-educate about ethical design.
Le grand reconditionnement
La CNIL propose une autoévaluation de maturité en gestion de la protection des données | CNIL
Maturité en gestion de la protection des données et conformité : deux notions complémentaires La maturité représente le formalisme avec laquelle les activités liées à la protection des données sont gérées. Alors que la conformité s'applique à chaque traitement de données personnelles, la maturité s'applique aux activités gérées par l’organisme pour tous les traitements qu’il met en œuvre. Ces deux visions sont différentes mais se complètent.
Estimating the resource intensity of the Internet: A meta-model to account for cloud-based services in LCA
According to an analysis by the International Energy Agency based on industry data from cisco, the internet protocol (IP) data traffic has more than d…
Open Accessibility Standards
Digital = Physical
Green Design Principles that every designer can use to combat climate change
Principles for Designing Sustainable Services
Service design is all about meeting human needs. So why do we design and implement services without understanding the impact on our planet?
Designing Branch: Sustainable Interaction Design Principles - Branch
There’s a need to reconnect the digital to the physical, from minerals and energy to the physical infrastructure that powers the internet. We have to repurpose our digital design processes to consider and reflect these ecological needs, instead of optimising only for business and growth objectives, to achieve more transactions, interactions and attention. One of […]
Society Centered Design
Human-centered design is not enough. We must look past the individual to society itself. We must design for the collective.
Design Justice Network
Design justice rethinks design processes, centers people who are normally marginalized by design, and uses collaborative, creative practices to address the deepest challenges our communities face.
Entreprises, comment éviter les remontées sauvages de failles de sécurité ?
Bon, vous le savez, depuis 2013 on organise des Bugs Bounties avec les copains de YesWeHack. Et en 2015, on a décidé de créer www.yeswehack.com, une plateforme qui permet facilement à chaque sociét…
Loi n° 2021-1755 du 23 décembre 2021 visant à renforcer la régulation environnementale du numérique par l'Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse (ARCEP)
La lettre de la DAJ Loi n° 2021-1755 du 23 décembre 2021 visant à renforcer la régulation environnementale du numérique par l'Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse (ARCEP)
GOV.UK drops jQuery from their front end.
GOV.UK dropped their jQuery dependency from their front end. You'll never guess what happened. (Yes, you will.)
WWF procured 560 carbon-neutral remanufactured HP 840 G5 laptops and opted into Circular Computing's buy back scheme for a truly circular IT procurement approach.
Clean-IT as a way into a more sustainable digital world.
Design after Capitalism
In Design after Capitalism, Matthew Wizinsky argues that the world of industrial capitalism that gave birth to modern design has been dramatically transformed.
SustainableUX: design vs. climate change
Online, Worldwide, Free.
The online event for UX, front-end, and product people who want to make a positive impact—on climate-change, social equality, and inclusion. Follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter to hear about future events.
Conference Videos
All our talks are on our YouTube SustainableUX playlist.
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Jordyn Bonds
Hana Nagel
Cennydd Bowles
Climate Designers
Creative professionals taking climate action.
Carbon Syncing Calculator - Small99
It can take up to 15 years for a tree to draw down significant amounts of carbon. In the first few years of a trees life, it may only consume 2kg of CO2 per year. Therefore to truly offset, you need to plant many more each year. This tool was inspired by Wholegrain Digital’s blog Read more...
Greener Design - Outline
A modern team knowledge base for your internal documentation, product specs, support answers, meeting notes, onboarding, & more…
How to Measure, Reduce, and Offset your Company’s Carbon Footprint - FutureLearn
Help tackle climate change with this guide to carbon footprint measurement, offsetting, and reduction strategies for your company, from the industry experts at MSQ.
Retour sur la conférence de Quentin ADAM et Pierre Beyssac à DevoxxFR 2022
Green Public Procurement - Environment - European Commission
Green Public Procurement is a voluntary tool for Europe's public authorities that favours products, services and works that respect the environment.
Liste des clauses Archive - La clause verte
Content Audit: A Step-by-Step Guide
A content audit is the process of analyzing website content elements against specific performance criteria. Learn more in this post.
cnumr/best-practices: 115 Web Ecodesign Best Practices
115 Web Ecodesign Best Practices. Contribute to cnumr/best-practices development by creating an account on GitHub.