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INR x Décathlon | Calculatrice Impact Environnemental numérique
Cette calculatrice, imaginée par l'INR et Décathlon, permet de calculer son empreinte environnementale numérique pro. en la comparant à d'autres indicateurs.
An online store that prevents 70% of the carbon emissions. Underwear, activewear and essentials made ethically in Europe with organic cotton, TENCEL™ and recycled materials.
Mes notes issues du livre : « Analyse du cycle de vie : comprendre et réaliser un éco bilan »
J’ai passé ces derniers à jour éplucher un livre intimidant sur les analyses du cycle de vie. J’ai au passage pris des notes, que je partage, comme je l’ai déjà pour d’autre livres précédemment. Et bien sûr l’écriture de ce blog me permet de cristalliser un peu mes nouvelles connaissances. L’analyse du cycle de vie ? L’analyse de cycle de vie est une méthode pour calculer le bilan environnemental (les émissions de polluants et extractions de ressources) d’un produit, en prenant en compte toutes les étapes de la vie de ce produit : fabrication, usage, fin de vie (réutilisation, recyclage, dé...
Environmental impact assessment of online advertising
There are no commonly agreed ways to assess the total energy consumption of the Internet. Estimating the Internet's energy footprint is challenging be…
The web should be a platform that helps people and provides a net positive social benefit. As we continue to evolve the web platform, we must therefore consider the ethical consequences of our work. The following document sets out ethical principles that will drive the TAG's continuing work in this direction.
Frugal-IT • Agence en éco-conception logicielle d’applications web
Agence web spécialisée en éco-conception logicielle de sites internet et applications mobile, FRUGAL-IT dispose d’une offre complète de modules et CMS éco-conçus.
Last week, I wrote an article about Black Lives Matter.
While most of the feedback was positive, I did predictably receive some negative responses, too. Some where particularly racist, but most of them were like this:
I follow you for tech, not politics.
Here’s the thing: all tech is political.
There are obvious examples In the most obvious ways, technologies like Twitter and Facebook have completely reshaped and transformed politics.
Making things fast in world of build tools by Surma & Jake Archibald | JSConf Budapest 2019 A lot of performance optimisations are easy on paper, but difficult in reality. Jake & Surma dig into look at t...
This series on the digital divide examines the data behind several yet-unexplored facets of the issue, the people and places it impacts most greatly, and what can and should be done to close this persistent gap.
Building the Woke Web: Web Accessibility, Inclusion & Social Justice
From banking to civil services to education, the internet intersects every part of our lives in a way that was unthinkable 20 years ago. And yet the web remains inaccessible to vast swathes of peop…