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Website Accessibility Checklist (15 Things You Can Improve) |
Website Accessibility Checklist (15 Things You Can Improve) |
Accessibility is the practice of ensuring websites are equally available to people with disabilities so they have equal access to the goods and services those sites provide. It’s an integral part of professional web design and development. Why Should You Care About Accessibility? There are many reasons why developers, designers, and their employers/ clients should […]
Website Accessibility Checklist (15 Things You Can Improve) |
Power to the People
Power to the People
A dissection of power efficiency and carbon footprints for data centers and cloud providers.
Power to the People
Project Svalbard, Have I Been Pwned and its Ongoing Independence
Project Svalbard, Have I Been Pwned and its Ongoing Independence
This is going to be a lengthy blog post so let me use this opening paragraph as a summary of where Project Svalbard is at: Have I Been Pwned is no longer being sold and I will continue running it independently. After 11 months of a very intensive process culminating
Project Svalbard, Have I Been Pwned and its Ongoing Independence
ISO/TR 14062:2002
ISO/TR 14062:2002
Management environnemental — Intégration des aspects environnementaux dans la conception et le développement de produit
ISO/TR 14062:2002
Why 543 KB keep me up at night
Why 543 KB keep me up at night
“It’s online and works in most browsers” is not enough - we have to be much more considerate of what we’re putting online.
Why 543 KB keep me up at night
Technology Colonialism
Technology Colonialism
Technology companies today are increasingly colonial in their actions. This can be seen in the veneer of sovereignty they seek to cultivate, how they work across borders, their use of dominant culture as a weapon, and the clear belief that “superior” technology is a suitable excuse for lawlessness, exploitation and even violence.
Technology Colonialism
Ce qui menace nos libertés
Ce qui menace nos libertés
L’affaire Griveaux, loin d’être anecdotique, est importante à bien des égards, et notamment de par les réactions qu’elle suscite. Entre autres choses, ces réactions révèlent – ou plutôt révei…
Ce qui menace nos libertés
Nommons l’ennemi ?
Nommons l’ennemi ?
Pour pouvoir partir en guerre (#ClimateIsWWIII), il faut pouvoir le nommer, est-ce possible cette fois-ci ?
Nommons l’ennemi ?