Carbon Calculator
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Greenpixie | What is your website’s carbon footprint?
All websites have a carbon footprint. What’s yours? Use our tool to estimate the digital carbon footprint of any website.
Comment passer du DevOps au DevGreenOps ? - Greenspector
Reading Time: 15 minutes Comment passer du DevOps au DevGreenOps ? Résumé La transition du DevOps au DevGreenOps semble indispensable pour répondre au challenge majeur qu’est la réduction de l’impact environnemental du numérique. C’est la mise en place d’une nouvelle démarche outillée mais aussi un changement de culture. Dans cet article, nous commencerons par définir ce qu’est le DevGreenOps […]
Effets rebond du numérique – EcoInfo
The Three Cs: 🤝 Concatenate, 🗜️ Compress, 🗳️ Cache – CSS Wizardry
We know we should do it, but do we know how?
Partie 1 sur 4 : L'écriture inclusive, ce n'est pas que le point médian
Premier d'une série d'articles qui parlent de l'écriture inclusive : son histoire, ses impacts, les différents moyens et idées reçues.
Counting Carbon: A Survey of Factors Influencing the Emissions of Machine Learning
Machine learning (ML) requires using energy to carry out computations during the model training process. The generation of this energy comes with an environmental cost in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, depending on…
The Carbon Conundrum and Ethical Quandaries in the Expanding Realm of AI
In this blog, we'll provide a summary of the key messages and concepts shared in Abhishek Gupta’s latest article on The Imperative for Sustainable AI Systems, published on The Gradient.
Salesforce's Sustainable AI Plan: Where Responsibility Meets Innovation
Explore Salesforce’s strategies for creating sustainable AI, developed as a cross-team collaboration including Salesforce AI Research and other key members.
Timeshifting strategies for carbon-efficient long-running large language model training
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering - Language models play a vital role in various natural language processing tasks, but their training can be computationally intensive and lead to...
A Synthesis of Green Architectural Tactics for ML-Enabled Systems
Breaking (Bad) Bots - Bot Abuse Analysis and Other Fraud - Breaking-Bad-Bots-Bot-Abuse-Analysis-and-Other-Fraud-Benchmarks.pdf
Cybercrime To Cost The World 8 Trillion Annually In 2023
Cybersecurity facts, figures, predictions and statistics Download Report
Les images et l’éco-conception : je t’aime, moi non plus…
Comprenez le fonctionnement des images sur le web
Analysis of INP performance using real-world RUMvision data
If you're reading this, you probably already know that Interaction to Next Paint (INP) will become the new Core Web Vital metric for responsiveness in March 2024. INP has already been talked about a few times in this year's Perf Calendar by Brian, Ivailo, and Sander, so if you need a refresher on wh
ARIA Live Regions - HTMHell
A collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites.
Rendre le militantisme plus accessible
24 jours de web : Le calendrier de l'avent des gens qui font le web d'après.
Le blues du DPO
24 jours de web : Le calendrier de l'avent des gens qui font le web d'après.
Sprout* is a no-code website builder that helps you effortlessly create websites that emit 99% less CO2 in minutes
ClimateTriage - Impactful open source contributions
Discover a meaningful way to contribute to open source projects focused on climate technology and sustainability.
Référentiel d'évaluation de l'accessibilité des documents au format PDF (RAPDF 1) : Introduction - Portail de l'accessibilité numérique du Luxembourg
Comment communiquer efficacement sur sa démarche web éco-responsable ?
Pour valoriser sa démarche web éco-responsable, qui sont les acteurs sur lesquels s’appuyer ? Quels outils, scores et labels en éco-conception web ? Comment éviter le greenwashing ?
Pour les solutions low tech, contre les blockchains inutiles
Dossier “Comprendre puis Agir” - NL Décembre 2023
♻ Sobriété numérique ♻
PimEyes: Face Recognition Search Engine and Reverse Image Search |
PimEyes is an advanced face recognition search engine, a reverse image search tool, and a photo search mechanism used to find which websites publish your photos online.
Foundations of Humane Technology | Participate
Les organisations anticipent mal les besoins considérables de l’IA en matière d’énergie et de données
Selon une nouvelle étude Pure Storage, les organisations anticipent mal les besoins considérables de l’IA en matière d’énergie et de données. 86 % des responsables des achats IT français ont estimé…
Accessibility overlays
Web accessibility overlays are tools or technologies that aim to improve the accessibility of a website. However, claims that a website can be made fully compliant in an automated fashion are not realistic.
Green Metrics Tool
Measuring the energy of your software