Numérique Responsable

Sustainable Marketing (9781398613133)
Sustainable Marketing (9781398613133)
Transform your marketing practice into a force for good by understanding marketing's complicity in the sustainability crisis and learning how to embed sustainab
Sustainable Marketing (9781398613133)
Web Sustainability 4U
Web Sustainability 4U
An interactive version of Web Sustainability Guidelines (WSG) 1.0. Learn how to make web applications more sustainable, considering both environmental, social, and governance factors.
Web Sustainability 4U

2040 : Voyage au cœur de futurs numériques responsables. Scénarios pour le futur du NR.

Stop designing for yesterday
Stop designing for yesterday
Sustainable design tools to help products, services and businesses use fewer resources, create less pollution, and reduce carbon emissions. Open source and free to use.
Stop designing for yesterday
Product Development with Consequence Scanning – TechTransformed
Product Development with Consequence Scanning – TechTransformed
Digital technologies introduce change rapidly and their potential for impact comes with responsibility. Introducing a dedicated agile practice for considering the consequences of technology within an iterative development cycle.
Product Development with Consequence Scanning – TechTransformed
Xbox is the first console platform to release dedicated energy and carbon emissions measurement tools designed for (and with) game creators
Xbox is the first console platform to release dedicated energy and carbon emissions measurement tools designed for (and with) game creators
How Xbox, 343 Industries, and Ubisoft are reducing energy & emissions while maintaining gameplay fidelity, including a first look at the Xbox Sustainability Toolkit for game creators.
Xbox is the first console platform to release dedicated energy and carbon emissions measurement tools designed for (and with) game creators
Accueil - jeux-vidéo
Accueil - jeux-vidéo
L’écran d’après : des contenus pour un futur désirable L’écran d’après est un mouvement initié en 2022 par une centaine de professionnels et professionnelles français de l’audiovisuel et du cinéma, désireux de raconter une société plus inclusive et plus durable dans leurs fictions. Ensemble, ils ont co-construit un guide pour questionner la place des enjeux
Accueil - jeux-vidéo