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Notice d'accessibilité éditoriale (modèle) - AcceDe Web
Notice d'accessibilité éditoriale (modèle) - AcceDe Web
Il s’agit de modèle de règles à compléter pour chaque projet afin de concevoir une notice d’accessibilité éditoriale, c’est-à-dire un mode d’emploi permettant aux contributeurs éditoriaux de savoir comment mettre en ligne des contenus de façon accessible. Ce document liste … Continue reading →
Notice d'accessibilité éditoriale (modèle) - AcceDe Web
La police nationale utilise illégalement un logiciel israélien de reconnaissance faciale
La police nationale utilise illégalement un logiciel israélien de reconnaissance faciale
En 2015, les forces de l'ordre ont acquis, en secret, un logiciel d’analyse d'images de vidéosurveillance de la société israélienne Briefcam. Depuis huit ans, le ministère de l'intérieur dissimule le recours à cet outil qui permet l’emploi de la reconnaissance faciale.
La police nationale utilise illégalement un logiciel israélien de reconnaissance faciale
Audit de conformité RGAA : charte d’engagement du CNCPH
Audit de conformité RGAA : charte d’engagement du CNCPH
Charte d’engagement sur l’audit de conformité « référentiel général d'amélioration de l'accessibilité » (RGAA) La France a posé le principe d’une obligation d’accessibilité numérique depuis l’article 47 de la loi handicap de 2005. Il y a aujourd’hui plusieurs obligations : Publier une déclaration d’accessibilité par service avec un taux de conformité au référentiel français RGAA.Indiquer une…
Audit de conformité RGAA : charte d’engagement du CNCPH
TOP - The Osint Project
TOP - The Osint Project
Plateforme communautaire autour de l'OSINT. Retrouvez des contenus et des challenges pédagogiques pour l'apprentissage et l'entrainement à l'OSINT (Open Source INTelligence)
TOP - The Osint Project
Green Digital Transformation: Why There Is No Sustainability without Accessibility | TechSoup Canada
Green Digital Transformation: Why There Is No Sustainability without Accessibility | TechSoup Canada
By Wholegrain Digital & TechSoup Canada Green Digital Transformation is a collaboration between Wholegrain Digital and TechSoup Canada. Each week, our series will introduce you to a different strategy to include a commitment to sustainability in your ongoing digital transformation work. Follow along as we explore the tenets of sustainable web design, help you understand the
Green Digital Transformation: Why There Is No Sustainability without Accessibility | TechSoup Canada
Green Code - Exove
Green Code - Exove
The Green Code book offers different solutions for the IT sector to achieve more environmentally friendly operations. Download the book!
Green Code - Exove
The Green Software Revolution: Sustainable Practices Transforming India's Software Development, with
The Green Software Revolution: Sustainable Practices Transforming India's Software Development, with
In the age of environmental consciousness, the software development landscape is undergoing a profound transformation towards sustainability. This article delves into the green initiatives spearheaded by India's software development industry, shedding light on how these practices are influencing…
The Green Software Revolution: Sustainable Practices Transforming India's Software Development, with
The Unbearable Weight of Massive JavaScript –
The Unbearable Weight of Massive JavaScript –
Follow Ryan on Mastodon @ hr / For the past 10+ years, JavaScript frameworks and Single Page Applications have been marketed as the solution to all our performance, robustness and productivity problems, but things haven’t worked out the way we’d all hoped, have they? * Simple marketing and ecommerce sites are still getting heavier and slower. * Features fail in weird and wonderful ways meaning we need an ever-increasing array of tooling to monitor and debug problems. * Teams armed with the latest Apple Silicon Macs, expensive CI tooling and complex build pipelines still can’t ship effectively. But it’s not all doom-and-gloom: we live in a time of unprecedented opportunity to give our users a fantastic experience – the web platform has never been more capable than it is today. Let’s look at what we can achieve by simplifying our web architecture, utilising new and upcoming Web Platform APIs and getting back to building fast, maintainable, user-friendly front-ends.
The Unbearable Weight of Massive JavaScript –
Home - Consequential LCA
Home - Consequential LCA
Consequential Life Cycle Assessment modelling – A collection of best practise LCA examples and open source materials
Home - Consequential LCA
Tech Won’t Save Us
Tech Won’t Save Us
A left-wing podcast for better technology and a better world.
Tech Won’t Save Us
CSS Design: Going to Print
CSS Design: Going to Print
Say no to “printer-friendly” versions and yes to printer-specific style sheets. CSS expert Eric Meyer shows how to conceive and design print style sheets that automatically format web c…
CSS Design: Going to Print