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Home | Humane by Design
Guidance for designing ethically humane digital products and services through patterns focused on user well-being.
Sustainability workload documentation - Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework
Apply the design methodology and approach to building highly reliable applications on Microsoft Azure.
Les réductions d'émissions de CO2 promises par les Cloud providers sont elles réalistes? | Boavizta
Les Cloud Providers multiplient les communications pour un cloud toujours plus responsable, au moment même où l’Irlande et les Pays-Bas instaurent un moratoire sur l’installation de nouveaux datacenters hyperscale.
Corporate Digital Responsibility in Europe | Interreg Europe - Sharing solutions for better policy
SMEs in all sectors find themselves obliged to digitalise production and organisation. Digitalisation can bring a wealth of benefits, but also opens them up to many risks. These range from data privacy and cyber security, to ethics of data and technology. They range from digital inclusion, job substitution / insecurity, to energy use with big data. Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) is a set of practices and behaviour that help an organisation to use data and digital technologies in a way that is socially, economically, technologically, and environmentally responsible. In theory, it sounds obvious. In practice, it is not so easy to achieve, particularly for SMEs. Public support is, thus, required to ensure that the digital revolution is accompanied by an awareness of its socio-economic and environmental threats and by practical tools and support systems that can ensure even the smallest SMEs can de digitally responsible. CDR EUROPE takes up this challenge. We group partners from 7 EU regions, representing different levels of digitalisation, economic fabrics and CDR maturity levels, but all committed to ensuring that SMES reap the benefits of responsible digitalisation. Partners merge varied expertise on relevant topics, which range from public measures to support SME digitalisation processes, cyber security, environmental impacts of digitalisation, to digital social inclusion, to name but a few. Using the International CDR Manifesto as a starting point, we implement an interregional exchange approach that takes us through stages of Consolidating Concepts, Understanding Challenges and Seeking Answers, towards Being the Change: achieving policy improvements and monitoring impact. 4 regions design and test a Pilot Action supporting CDR uptake in SMEs and we use results to feed into change in all partner territories. CDR EUROPE supports better regional development policies for CDR uptake in SMEs, with extensive socio-economic impact on our territories.
Numérique et environnement | Arcep
Les chiffres clés de l'impact des réseaux, des terminaux et des usages sur l’environnement, les travaux de l'Arcep et les réflexions des régulateurs européens des télécoms.
Adoption of the law to reduce the environmental footprint of digital technology - Labo
A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Le Référentiel général de sécurité (RGS)
L’ANSSI est l'autorité nationale en matière de sécurité et de défense des systèmes d’information. Prévention, protection, réaction, formation et labellisation de solutions et de services pour la sécurité numérique de la Nation.
Power consumption of JPEG, WebP, and AVIF
How much power does loading a JPEG, WebP, and AVIF image consumer on a user's device? In this post, I've used the Firefox Profiler to run some unscientific tests in the hopes of finding out.
Ethical design is a risk management strategy
It‘s not enough to talk about designing ethically as the “right thing to do.” We need to reframe ethical design as risk management.
Building a Better Web - Part 1: A faster YouTube on web
This is Part 1 of our new series on Building a Better YouTube Web called "Building a faster YouTube on web"
Comment concevoir des sites et applications moins énergivores : un expert répond
Rendre Internet plus éco-responsable, c’est prendre en compte l’impact environnemental des sites et applications mobiles dès leur conception. Expert en numérique responsable chez Greenspector - une entreprise qui aide les organisations à réduire l’impact environnemental de leurs sites et applications -, Laurent Devernay dresse un panorama des bonnes pratiques pour rendre nos sites et applications plus responsables.
Faster hardware is a bad first solution to slow software
If your software is slow, throwing hardware at the problem is often a bad first solution.
Optimising Largest Contentful Paint – CSS Wizardry
Let’s look at some more technical and non-obvious aspects of optimising Largest Contentful Paint
Approaches to calculating website energy and carbon
Website carbon calculators are not very accurate, especially if they only use data transfer as the metric.
Is carbon the right metric for developers to optimize?
Developers need metrics that are consistent and easy to optimize, but carbon intensity varies in time and space. So when is it a useful metric for developers to consider?
Awareness Grows – “Weightless” Virtual World has a Mass
In the early history of particle physics, the neutrino was proposed by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930. At the time, nobody thought this particle had a mass – it was just “spin.” Imagine a…
Metal-lifespan analysis shows scale of waste
Mining metals has a rising environmental cost. But high losses and low recycling rates mean that many last only a short time.
Notre approche pour atténuer l’empreinte écologique d’IndieHosters
Dans cet article nous allons aborder ensemble le versant écologique des actions du collectif. Nous y partageons notamment nos réflexions et pratiques en cours et à venir.
Environmental Reporting Dashboards for OpenStack from BBC R&D - Superuser
We make environmental reporting possible for operators of OpenStack cloud deployments.
Argos: Comparing the Energy Consumption of Two Web Stacks
Does an app in Node.js/Rails consume more energy than the same app in Vanilla.js+WebComponents/React.js? We've used Argos, our energy footprint calculator, to find out.
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
In this post, Mightybytes discusses the importance of managing data and adopting a data disposal policy for a sustainable data strategy.
NY WebPerf Sept '22 - Performance Mistakes - An HTTP Archive Deep Dive
Performance Mistakes …an HTTP Archive Deep Dive Performance Architect @Etsy Paul Calvano @paulcalvano https://httparchive.org 3 How the HTTP Archive Works ● ...
Ethical web development: Here you can learn more
Do you want to learn ethical web development? Here you have a list that contains some of the best books, paid and free courses and YouTube videos to get you started fast!
Souveraineté du numérique et enjeux environnementaux
Des acteurs ont une souveraineté sur les infrastructures et les services du numérique. Leurs décisions ont des impacts environnementaux.
Is Net Zero the finish line?
I've always had a pretty simple success criteria for myself as a human, and for Wholegrain Digital as a business. Success for me means that the world is better off because we exist. If successful, whatever resources we take or harm we do will be outweighed by the contributions we make.
Yes, accessibility is also a backend concern
Accessibility is a holistic practice that touches every aspect of creating a digital experience. This means it is also a backend web development consideration…
Ethical Compass
Designing for responsible innovation means asking questions about the future that we want to build. To fulfil this commitment, we created our compass.