Numérique Responsable

Numérique et environnement | Arcep
Numérique et environnement | Arcep
Les chiffres clés de l'impact des réseaux, des terminaux et des usages sur l’environnement, les travaux de l'Arcep et les réflexions des régulateurs européens des télécoms.
Numérique et environnement | Arcep
Le Référentiel général de sécurité (RGS)
Le Référentiel général de sécurité (RGS)
L’ANSSI est l'autorité nationale en matière de sécurité et de défense des systèmes d’information. Prévention, protection, réaction, formation et labellisation de solutions et de services pour la sécurité numérique de la Nation.
Le Référentiel général de sécurité (RGS)
Power consumption of JPEG, WebP, and AVIF
Power consumption of JPEG, WebP, and AVIF
How much power does loading a JPEG, WebP, and AVIF image consumer on a user's device? In this post, I've used the Firefox Profiler to run some unscientific tests in the hopes of finding out.
Power consumption of JPEG, WebP, and AVIF
Ethical design is a risk management strategy
Ethical design is a risk management strategy
It‘s not enough to talk about designing ethically as the “right thing to do.” We need to reframe ethical design as risk management.
Ethical design is a risk management strategy
Comment concevoir des sites et applications moins énergivores : un expert répond
Comment concevoir des sites et applications moins énergivores : un expert répond
Rendre Internet plus éco-responsable, c’est prendre en compte l’impact environnemental des sites et applications mobiles dès leur conception. Expert en numérique responsable chez Greenspector - une entreprise qui aide les organisations à réduire l’impact environnemental de leurs sites et applications -, Laurent Devernay dresse un panorama des bonnes pratiques pour rendre nos sites et applications plus responsables.
Comment concevoir des sites et applications moins énergivores : un expert répond
Awareness Grows – “Weightless” Virtual World has a Mass
Awareness Grows – “Weightless” Virtual World has a Mass
In the early history of particle physics, the neutrino was proposed by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930. At the time, nobody thought this particle had a mass – it was just “spin.” Imagine a…
Awareness Grows – “Weightless” Virtual World has a Mass
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
In this post, Mightybytes discusses the importance of managing data and adopting a data disposal policy for a sustainable data strategy.
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
Ethical web development: Here you can learn more
Ethical web development: Here you can learn more
Do you want to learn ethical web development? Here you have a list that contains some of the best books, paid and free courses and YouTube videos to get you started fast!
Ethical web development: Here you can learn more
Souveraineté du numérique et enjeux environnementaux
Souveraineté du numérique et enjeux environnementaux
Des acteurs ont une souveraineté sur les infrastructures et les services du numérique. Leurs décisions ont des impacts environnementaux.
Souveraineté du numérique et enjeux environnementaux
Is Net Zero the finish line?
Is Net Zero the finish line?
I've always had a pretty simple success criteria for myself as a human, and for Wholegrain Digital as a business. Success for me means that the world is better off because we exist. If successful, whatever resources we take or harm we do will be outweighed by the contributions we make.
Is Net Zero the finish line?
Ethical Compass
Ethical Compass
Designing for responsible innovation means asking questions about the future that we want to build. To fulfil this commitment, we created our compass.
Ethical Compass
Performance Budgets: The Easiest Way to a Faster Site - Calibre
Performance Budgets: The Easiest Way to a Faster Site - Calibre
Until you set specific goals, it’s not clear what metric you want to improve, how you’ll do it, and who’s in charge of getting it there. Learn how to set performance budgets to meet and maintain your speed goals.
Performance Budgets: The Easiest Way to a Faster Site - Calibre
How Designers Destroyed the World - Mike Monteiro, at USI
How Designers Destroyed the World - Mike Monteiro, at USI
Information and subscription on http://www.usievents.comMike Monteiro run Mule Design Studio. He came to USI to talk about moral responsibility in its job.De...
How Designers Destroyed the World - Mike Monteiro, at USI