Tota11y! instructions
Numérique Responsable
Can browsers optimize the loading of third-party resources? - Chrome Developers
Driving changes for better loading of third-party resources on the web
FTC, Commercial Surveillance, and Overlays
August 22, 2022: FTC’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) is live as of today. You can share your public comments at Trade Regulation Rule on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security until Friday, October 21, 2022. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on August 11, 2022 announced it is exploring rules…
How to talk about disability sensitively and avoid ableist tropes
When it comes to disability, a lot of ableist language and tropes are perpetuated by the media. Here's what experts have to say about how to talk about disability.
Limits to digitalization | Gauthier Roussilhe
Where do Digital Emissions Come From?
Chicago digital agency Mightybytes breaks down digital emissions sources and outlines a plan of action you can take to reduce them.
Don't fight the browser preload scanner
Find out what the browser preload scanner is, how it helps performance, and how you can stay out of its way.
Underengineer Your Websites (with Adrian Roselli) | Some Antics
Oftentimes, the most accessible, interoperable experiences are the ones that require the most minimal engineer — and few know that better than Adrian Roselli...
Pluralistic: 15 Aug 2022 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Color and
Color & Contrast is an interactive guide to color for designers.
The impact of removing jQuery on our web performance
In this blog post, we explain the technical details of removing the jQuery library from GOV.UK’s public facing applications and the performance impact it had for our users.
Revealed: The climate cost of 'disposable smartphones'
Extending the lifespan of smartphones and other electronics by just one year would save the EU as much carbon emissions as taking 2 million cars off the roads annually, a new study finds.
Use image CDNs to optimize images
Image CDNs are excellent at optimizing images. Switching to an image CDN can yield a 40–80% savings in image bytes.
Halve the size of images by optimising for high density displays
Why compressing images for dense screens is different, and how to serve them
Lou Montulli and the invention of cookie | Hidden Heroes
In 1994, Lou Montulli wrote a snippet of code that introduced a new way of sharing identity on the Web—the cookie. Read the story behind its inventor.
One small step for earth
Small steps you can take to support the climate fight.
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability
In continuing the Sustainable Systems series, Anne Currie focuses on architectural choices and sustainability and offers points for those who want to be carbon aware and follow principles of green software engineering in practice.
Operational Choices in Sustainable Architecture | GSF
In the second article in the Sustainable Systems series, Anne Currie focuses on operational choices you can make to improve how your software is run.
Tradeoff Between Server Utilization and Energy Efficiency
What should you monitor as you try to increase the hardware efficiency of software? To find out, read this first article by Srinivasan Rakhunathan in the Sustainable Systems column.
Software Carbon Intensity: Crafting a Standard | GSF
The Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) standard gives an actionable approach to software designers, developers and deployers to measure the carbon impacts of their systems.
« Si notre smartphone avait une conscience, est-ce qu’on le remplacerait aussi facilement ? »
Trois questions à Julia Jean et Lucie Robert, respectivement directrice créative et designer en cheffe au sein du studio Naraven Games. Leur jeu vidéo BACKFIREWALL_, bientôt disponible sur ordinateur et console, raconte l’histoire d’un système d’exploitation refusant d’être mis à jour.
How-to: Use Firefox for accessibility testing - The A11Y Project
Firefox has become one of the best tools for accessibility audits. Let’s go over Firefox’s accessibility features that you can use today.
Luxury retailer Farfetch sees higher conversion rates for better Core Web Vitals
How luxury retailer Farfetch's investment in improving Core Web Vitals led to better business outcomes.
Michael Hladky - CSS Rendering Performance
Modern CSS rendering performance: The internals of web pages optimization In this talk, we demystify the browser’s rendering pipeline and explore the differe...
Accessible Social
Learn how to create social media content that is accessible to people with disabilities.
JavaScript SDK “Package Size is Massive” - So we reduced it by 29%
Developers started to notice just how big our JavaScript package was and yeah, we knew. We weren’t ignoring the issues; after all, we don’t want the Sentry package to be the cause of a slowdown. But to reduce our JavaScript SDK package size effectively we had to account for shipping new capabilities, like being able to manage the health of a release and performance monitoring, while maintaining a manageable bundle size. After all, new features == bigger package - usually.
Urgence Climatique, Justice Sociale & numérique responsable
Parce que trop souvent les problématiques environnementales sont isolées des problématiques sociales au sein des organisations et des débats, réaffirmer l’inextricabilité de ces enjeux est essentiel.
Pop-ups are dead, long live pop-ups: or, the bait-and-switch hidden in today’s cookie announcement – Hi, I'm Heather Burns
How to Prioritize Digital Accessibility and Sustainability
Learn why digital accessibility is key for both usability and sustainability when designing digital products and services.
Digital Sustainability: How to Get Started Today
Learn how to get started implementing digital sustainability today in this post from Chicago digital agency Mightybytes.