Numérique Responsable

Whose idea was carbon footprinting?
Whose idea was carbon footprinting?
In my book, Sustainable Web Design, I tell the story of how the junk food industry addressed the growing problem of litter in the 1970’s. As companies such as Coca-Cola increasingly promoted products sold in disposable packaging, towns and cities became cursed by litter on their streets. In one of the greatest public relations successes of modern history, these companies banded together to launch a campaign to convince the public that the litter on the streets was not the fault of the companies whose logos were printed on it, but of the ordinary people who had dropped it. They founded a puppet environmental organisation called
Whose idea was carbon footprinting?
An Accessibility-First Approach To Chart Visual Design — Smashing Magazine
An Accessibility-First Approach To Chart Visual Design — Smashing Magazine
In this article, we will explore how an accessibility-first approach can lead you down the path of creating a better visual design for charts. Throughout the article, you’ll learn to use the Web Content Accessibility Standards and how this approach leadd to an unexpected yet better outcome for everyone.
An Accessibility-First Approach To Chart Visual Design — Smashing Magazine
The Feminist Tech Principles
The Feminist Tech Principles
Demanding inclusive and radically diverse digital futures
The Feminist Tech Principles
L'IUT Bordeaux Montaigne se dote d'un site sobre, accessible et sécurisé | Osuny
L'IUT Bordeaux Montaigne se dote d'un site sobre, accessible et sécurisé | Osuny
Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer la mise en ligne du nouveau site de l'IUT Bordeaux Montaigne ! Sécurité, accessibilité, sobriété, qualité, souveraineté, liberté, communauté, découvrez comment Osuny répond à tous ces impératifs, concrètement.
L'IUT Bordeaux Montaigne se dote d'un site sobre, accessible et sécurisé | Osuny
Retour sur la conférence Breizcamp à Rennes
Retour sur la conférence Breizcamp à Rennes
Ces dernières semaines, je vous ai fait profiter de ma préparation pour ma présentation au Breizhcamp de Rennes. Mon temps d’intervention était de 2 heures. Bien entendu, je n’ai pas pu tout articuler, je me suis adapté à mon public et j’ai essayé de transmettre un message clair.
Retour sur la conférence Breizcamp à Rennes
Microsoft And AI2 Partnered With The Green Software Foundation On Tools For Building Carbon-Aware Applications
Microsoft And AI2 Partnered With The Green Software Foundation On Tools For Building Carbon-Aware Applications
For a long time, scientists have been concerned about the ever-increasing carbon footprint. The World Meteorological Organization recently stated that the global temperature has a 50% chance of topping 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next five years. Scientists believe this should be the upper limit to avoid catastrophic climate change. They believe that even if humans attain this long-term threshold, human quality of life and other supporting ecosystems will suffer enormous upheavals. Sustainable AI is thought to have the ability to minimize carbon emissions. This can be accomplished by incorporating renewable energy into the power grid or lowering the cost
Microsoft And AI2 Partnered With The Green Software Foundation On Tools For Building Carbon-Aware Applications
5 Steps to Improve Website Performance Online Guide
5 Steps to Improve Website Performance Online Guide
There has never been a better time to deliver fast, resilient websites, but getting there demands an informed approach. So grab a hot beverage and let this guide illuminate the path forward.
5 Steps to Improve Website Performance Online Guide
Digital Sustainability Quickstart Course
Digital Sustainability Quickstart Course
Digital Sustainability Quickstart Course Take this eight-week quickstart course to expand your digital sustainability skills and improve the products, services, and campaigns that your organization owns or manages. Not sure if this course is for you? Consider these statistics: Websites and digital products that follow sustainability principles offer better experiences, faster downloads, and use less […]
Digital Sustainability Quickstart Course
Certificat de connaissance Numérique Responsable
Certificat de connaissance Numérique Responsable
Vous avez la possibilité de passer le certificat de connaissance numérique responsable après avoir suivi le MOOC NR afin d'attester vos acquis.
Certificat de connaissance Numérique Responsable