Comprendre la consommation de métaux dans le numérique | Gauthier Roussilhe
Numérique Responsable
Treat accessibility issues as bugs, not feature requests
It takes leadership to treat accessibility issues as bugs, and prioritize them before a project is released. Learn how they do it at Drupal.
Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index - Digiconomist
Carbon intensity of electricity
Carbon intensity is measured in grams of carbon dioxide-equivalents emitted per kilowatt-hour of electricity.
20230703 - Synthèse - feuille de route de décarbonation du numérique.pdf
What Is the Environmental Cost of Renewable Energy’s Dependency on Traditional Extraction Methods and Are There Better Ways?
What are the risks of conventional mining methods, and which recycling programs and initiatives are offering hope for a more sustainable future?
Accessibility Checklist for UX Designers | HolisticA11Y
Accessibility checklist for UX designers to design products that people will love
Could Google’s Carbon Emissions Have Effectively Doubled Overnight?
A new report suggests that the money Big Tech companies keep in the banking system can do more climate damage than the products they sell.
The performance effects of too much lazy loading
Eagerly loading images within the initial viewport—while liberally lazy loading the rest—can improve Web Vitals while loading fewer bytes.
Préparation conférence - ressources précieuses
Impact du numérique
Préparation conférence - introduction au numérique responsable
Je serai présent à la conférence Breizh Camp le mercredi 29 juin.
Performance As Design
Too often, any talk of web performance quickly ventures into the land of heavy geekery. Terms like DNS lookups, Gzipping, minifying, far future expires headers, caching, ETags and more are thrown around and consequently lose the attention of most non-techy people. This perpetuates a mentality that p
4 steps to design fast experiences
So often we cram a load of crap onto a single web page and then play silly buggers trying to get them to load efficiently. Instead design for actual performance.
Est-ce que le secteur numérique existe ? | Gauthier Roussilhe
Démarches "Low Tech" - La librairie ADEME
Etat des lieux et perspectives
Green Cloud : gérer l'impact environnemental des projets data - Alteca
Avis d’expert : Le Cloud peut-il être "green" ? Comment utiliser et stocker sa data tout en maitrisant son impact environnemental ? C’est la question à laquelle a répondu notre expert Data, David Teite, dans cet article. Il nous parle de Green Cloud, de FinOps et nous donne quelques bonnes pratiques pour optimiser son impact environnemental tout en gagnant en efficacité dans sa stratégie data.
Conversion of fonts to WOFF/WOFF2 and font subsetting with Glyphhanger · Florian Brinkmann
To use web fonts with wide browser support, we need the font files in and format. Who does not care about Internet Explorer, Safari on Mac OS before Sierra...
Tatiana Mac
From building a popular N*SYNC fan site to creating the collaborative, inclusive @SelfDefinedApp, @TatianaTMac’s story is now on The ReadME Project:
Sustainable UX: How Designers Can Help Make a Positive Impact on the Environment
The internet is a major polluter, and every site or service we produce does some level of harm. Laddering up from local concerns to the global perspective, we discuss four main spheres of influence that designers can make the most impact on.
When It Comes to Good CX, Measurement Is Critical - GovLoop
Formalizing and distributing knowledge about CX is critical. However, there are a few elements of digital government that seem to have been overlooked.
Empreinte carbone du cloud : Amazon, Microsoft et Google ont-ils la tête dans les nuages ? | Carbone 4
Carbone 4 est le premier cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans la stratégie carbone.
What does gaming's all-digital future mean for the climate crisis?
Note: there are two parts to this piece. This page is part one; the next page is part two (you can also use the Previou…
The Fastest Google Fonts – CSS Wizardry
Google Fonts is fast. Now it’s faster. Much faster.
Do This to Improve Image Loading on Your Website
Ever since responsive web design started, we've had a problem with the way images load on the web. Now, Firefox is fixing the problem. Add width & height att...
Préparation conférence - matières premières
Nous avons déjà abordé les sujets de l’augmentation des températures, et celui-ci du manque d’eau. Je vais le répéter encore et encore, mais tout cela est dû à l’intensification des échanges.
Speed Needs Design, or: You can’t delight users you’ve annoyed
Grab bag of design tweaks. Like avoiding purple, the slowest color (lie)
L'accessibilité numérique
A presentation created with Slides.
Les besoins essentiels de la low-tech | Gauthier Roussilhe
Peering into the accessibility of Dark Mode
An emerging trend in user interface design, Dark Mode’s USP seems to be its sustainability and easing the visual strain on our eyes.