surexposition des enfants aux écrans proposition de loi |
Numérique Responsable
Ethical Design Resources
SUX – The Sustainable UX Playbook
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EcoCards - jeu de cartes d'écoconception web / web ecodesign card game | Figma Community
Figma Community file - A card game to discover and apply eco friendly design recommendations. Don't hesitate to send us your feedback
Sustainable UX Design's The Sustainable UX Design Toolkit template | Miroverse
Discover how Sustainable UX Design does The Sustainable UX Design Toolkit in Miro with Miroverse, the Miro Community Templates Gallery. View Sustainable UX Design's Miro templates.
Sustainability Kit for digital designers | Figma Community
Figma Community file - Introduction
Designers contributed to shaping the world as we know it today, so the designer has the responsibility to do their part to fix it. How can we design for the user without losing sight of the entire ecosystem he's part of? How can we create something valuable for the user without forge...
⭐️📣 Cérémonie des Hashtags 2022 : l’intégralité des lauréats – Blog MyObservatoire
Datacenter, Maîtriser et optimiser son impact environnemental
Livre Blanc - Datacenter, Maîtriser et optimiser son impact environnemental
The Roadmap to Sustainable Digital Infrastructure by 2030
To reach our Sustainability Goals by 2030 we need to systematically embed sustainability across the sector. This roadmap enables every industrial actor to connect, benchmark, and deliver sustainability within their segment of the Digital Infrastructure value chain. Through universal reporting, and an industry-led action plan, the roadmap is simultaneously a reporting and collaboration vehicle that ensures we achieve Sustainable Digital Infrastructure by 2030.
Calculateur carbone de la communication et du marketing | D-K
Calculateur carbone de la communication et du marketing
Sobriété numérique : les sites web des universités françaises passés
Les universités françaises pourraient devenir plus sobres en réduisant leur impact environnemental de près de 10 000 tonnes équivalent CO2
Arrêté du 7 février 2023 portant approbation d'un cahier de clauses de développement de téléservices web - Légifrance
Arrêté du 7 février 2023 portant approbation d'un cahier de clauses de développement de téléservices ...
Titre du document - Etude-ADEME-Arcep-presentation-conference_06_03_23.pdf
Impact environnemental du numérique en 2030 et 2050 : l’ADEME et l’Arcep publient une évaluation prospective
L'étude montre que, sans action pour limiter la croissance de l’impact environnemental du numérique, l’empreinte carbone du numérique pourrait tripler entre 2020 et 2050.
target="_blank" for email links, a bad idea?
Community Tech meets Digital Sustainability - The Green Web Foundation
Read about our latest project - green handbook that gives practical guidance to community tech practitioners on their path towards digital sustainability.
IWA 42:2022(en), Net zero guidelines
Digital Reset - D4S - digitalization for sustainability
Learn how digital technologies can drive a deep transformation towards sustainability. Download the full report "Digital Reset" here.
cnumr/best-practices-mobile: 📱 Mobile Ecodesign Best Practices (for developers)
📱 Mobile Ecodesign Best Practices (for developers) - cnumr/best-practices-mobile: 📱 Mobile Ecodesign Best Practices (for developers)
The Carbon Emissions of Big Tech
With a record 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced globally in 2021, the world has no choice but to take action on climate change. Policy reports from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) make it clear that reducing carbon pollution is essential in mitigating the devastating impacts of a […]
Portrait : Simon Cardon, fondateur de Green Web et Digital Forest
Cet article est l’occasion de mettre en lumière des projets qui font avancer le numérique responsable. Ce mois-ci je suis partie à la rencontre de Simon Cardon.
Chrome’s latest update extends MacBook battery life
Google has optimized the browser to prolong browsing and YouTube playback.
Report: Apple gets a cut of search revenue from Chrome as part of secret Google deal
A new report from The Register today claims that Google is “paying Apple a portion of search revenue” that comes...
Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything
Today's adventure: DIY whole hog data exfiltration
IBM Design
At IBM, our design philosophy is to help guide people so they can do their best work. Our human-centered design practices help us deliver on that goal.
DXOMARK sur Twitter
“It's #InternationalBatteryDay! 🔋 In a poll this week, we asked if you knew what #smartphone app drains your battery the most. The correct response: the camera app at 960 mA, and nearly all major internal components of the device from preview to the post-processing are used! 📱”
Sustainability Pillar - AWS Well-Architected Framework - Sustainability Pillar