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Green APIs Promote Sustainability and Climate Action | Nordic APIs |
Green APIs Promote Sustainability and Climate Action | Nordic APIs |
A green Internet fueled by renewable energy is the future. We discover green APIs that developers can incorporate into apps to promote sustainability to help curb negative environmental effects, from a global perspective to an individual consumer level.
Green APIs Promote Sustainability and Climate Action | Nordic APIs |
Live Chat Comparison: Speed Impact On 5 Market Leaders
Live Chat Comparison: Speed Impact On 5 Market Leaders
We got to a point where we had the lightest chatbox on the market, with a compressed size of 232KB (full load), where other chatbox providers would often load up to a megabyte. Discover How!
Live Chat Comparison: Speed Impact On 5 Market Leaders
Checking where website requests come from with ReqCheck
Checking where website requests come from with ReqCheck
ReqCheck is a tool I’ve built to help folks find out where all the different requests made by a web page are served from. I’m hoping it can be a tool for both web sustainability and web performance folks to use when auditing websites.
Checking where website requests come from with ReqCheck
Sandra Pallier How to design a green website.pptx
Sandra Pallier How to design a green website.pptx
How to design a green website digital product Hey everyone, I’m Sandra – my pronouns are she/her. I’m a co-organiser of the community and I work as a designer at Microsoft where most recently I’ve been working with a team of volunteers across the company to define some green de...
Sandra Pallier How to design a green website.pptx
Green Software Practitioner
Green Software Practitioner
An online open-source database of green software patterns reviewed and curated by the Green Software Foundation
Green Software Practitioner
Adora-Foundation/awesome-green-extensions: A list of climate friendly extensions that can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your internet consumption
Adora-Foundation/awesome-green-extensions: A list of climate friendly extensions that can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your internet consumption
A list of climate friendly extensions that can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your internet consumption - Adora-Foundation/awesome-green-extensions: A list of climate friendly extensions t...
Adora-Foundation/awesome-green-extensions: A list of climate friendly extensions that can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your internet consumption
Sustainable Digital Design
Sustainable Digital Design
Sustainable Digital Design is an environmentally conscious platform with the goal to minimise our digital carbon footprint.
Sustainable Digital Design
Idée Reçue #2 - Un site écologique doit-il être moche?
Idée Reçue #2 - Un site écologique doit-il être moche?
J'entends souvent ici et là que pour aller vers un site éco-conçu, un site web doit être austère, avec des images limite monochromes. C'est une idée que j'essaye de déconstruire le plus possible et du mieux que je peux.
Idée Reçue #2 - Un site écologique doit-il être moche?
The Week in Green Software: An Introduction
The Week in Green Software: An Introduction
Welcome to our first episode of The Week in Green Software hosted by Ismael Velasco. This new segment on The Environment Variables Podcast will be a bite size smorgasbord of news, events, resources and tools that will help you discover how to get involved in the world of software-focused climate action. Check out the links below for all the resources mentioned in this podcast!
The Week in Green Software: An Introduction