A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine
An up-to-date collection of accessible front-end components: accordions, form styles, dark mode, data charts, date pickers, form styles, navigation menu, modals, radio buttons, "skip" links, SVGs, tabs, tables, toggles and tooltips.
How To Boost Media Performance On A Budget — Smashing Magazine
How do we get media performance right while staying within performance budgets? Let’s take a look at the recent stats and data around performance budgets, video playback performance issues and some techniques and tools to address these issues.
Online permaculture: This is how sustainably websites can grow
Permaculture is widely known as a sustainably structured agricultural system. We’ll show you how the twelve principles of permaculture can also be applied
For over a year, we’d been struggling to keep up with our analytics data growth. Fathom had been growing at the speed of light, with more and more people ditching Google Analytics, our data ingestion was going through the roof.
alvessteve/awesome-green-it: An awesome list of sites/books about green IT. Because ecology matters !!
An awesome list of sites/books about green IT. Because ecology matters !! - alvessteve/awesome-green-it: An awesome list of sites/books about green IT. Because ecology matters !!
Dans ce dossier, l'association La Quadrature du Net revient sur les principaux enjeux qui ont fait d'Internet, cet espace à l'origine très démocratique, un terrain de jeu des publicitaires, des géants du numérique et de la surveillance de masses. Données personnelles, libertés individuelles, régulation du web... Autant de concepts qui sont détaillés pour les non-averti·es, et qui rendent accessibles des débats dans des termes non-techniques, mais plutôt politiques.
Après avoir conçu mon site sous Wordpress, j'ai souhaité l'optimiser au maximum afin de le rendre utilisable, même en 2G, sur d'anciens mobiles ou PC, et qu'il soit accessible et sécurisé
Comment hacker un site web ! Savoir attaquer un site pour mieux le coder !
Mettez-vous dans la peau d'un hacker ! Lucas vous montre comment éprouver votre site face aux risques d'attaque : les outils, l'injection SQL et de commande,...
22 ressources pour un numérique inclusif et solidaire
Aide alimentaire, entraide citoyenne, partage de réseau… En connectant les citoyens de tous horizons, le numérique peut s’avérer un outil précieux de lutte contre l’exclusion.
85 percent of Facebook video is watched without sound - Digiday
A majority of video views for publishers and advertisers on Facebook happen with the sound off -- the result of embracing the platform's unique features.
Creating highly accessible Web content is complicated, and tends to start with a lot of training.
Familiar practices must be discouraged:
Tables should not be used to create fake columns
Running text should not be centered or justified
Visual-only formatting (font weight and size) should not be relied on to provide meaning to users, who may be hearing the content or viewing it in "reader mode"
New practices must be encouraged:
Images need contextually meaningful alternative text
Pages need real structure
Links should have meaningful titles
Certainly some of our