Numérique Responsable

Sharing learnings about our image cropping algorithm
Sharing learnings about our image cropping algorithm
Twitter shares a technical analysis of its assessment for potential bias in its image cropping algorithm as part of its efforts to be more transparent around how it uses machine learning to improve pe
Sharing learnings about our image cropping algorithm
a11y casts
a11y casts
Partagez vos vidéos avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier
a11y casts
Web Accessibility for Newbies
Web Accessibility for Newbies
In the current world of ubiquitous computing and an industry-wide desire to improve company and product diversity and inclusion, there’s no longer an excuse to not invest in web accessibility. That…
Web Accessibility for Newbies
Le Conseil d’Etat retoque en partie GendNotes, une application de collecte de données destinée à la gendarmerie
Le Conseil d’Etat retoque en partie GendNotes, une application de collecte de données destinée à la gendarmerie
Ce fichier est censé recueillir des données ethniques, religieuses ou politiques. La plus haute juridiction administrative en a pour l’heure restreint l’exploitation, sans toutefois remettre en cause la création de l’application qui en découle.
Le Conseil d’Etat retoque en partie GendNotes, une application de collecte de données destinée à la gendarmerie
How French welfare services are creating ‘robo-debt’ - AlgorithmWatch
How French welfare services are creating ‘robo-debt’ - AlgorithmWatch
When automated fraud detection algorithms fail, welfare services can wrongly demand the repayment of benefits. Journalist Lucie Inland explains how the French welfare office automatically put her in debt, and how she fought back.
How French welfare services are creating ‘robo-debt’ - AlgorithmWatch
Mon Convertisseur CO2
Mon Convertisseur CO2
Visualisez facilement un poids en CO2 grâce à ce convertisseur, et découvrez quels sont les gestes climat qui comptent vraiment.
Mon Convertisseur CO2
Get Help About Us Want to ditch your online account? Shouldn’t be a problem, right? Unfortunately, on many websites, including popular ones like Facebook, deleting your account can be a real pain. AccountKiller collects direct
Share a secret - One Time
Share a secret - One Time
Keep sensitive information out of your chat logs and email. Share a secret link that is available only one time.
Share a secret - One Time
Big picture performance analysis using Lighthouse Parade
Big picture performance analysis using Lighthouse Parade
Lighthouse Parade is a Node.js command line tool that crawls a domain and gathers lighthouse performance data for every page. With a single command, the tool will crawl an entire site, run a Lighthouse report for each page, and then output a spreadsheet with the aggregated data. Each row in the generated spreadsheet is a page on the site, and each individual performance metric is a column. This is convenient for high-level analysis because you can sort the rows by whichever metric you are analyzing.
Big picture performance analysis using Lighthouse Parade
Scan git repos (or files) for secrets using regex and entropy 🔑 - zricethezav/gitleaks
Detect WebGL Fingerprint
Detect WebGL Fingerprint
This page uses different techniques to recognize whether a browser extension is installed to spoof the webgl fingerprint result or not. Sometimes to protect browser identity, a browser extension adds random noise to the webgl and this noise alters the fingerprint result (hash code).
Detect WebGL Fingerprint