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W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles
The web should be a platform that helps people and provides a net positive social benefit. As we continue to evolve the web platform, we must therefore consider the ethical consequences of our work. The following document sets out ethical principles that will drive the TAG's continuing work in this direction.
All tech is political
Last week, I wrote an article about Black Lives Matter.
While most of the feedback was positive, I did predictably receive some negative responses, too. Some where particularly racist, but most of them were like this:
I follow you for tech, not politics.
Here’s the thing: all tech is political.
There are obvious examples In the most obvious ways, technologies like Twitter and Facebook have completely reshaped and transformed politics.
Benchmarking Phalcon
It has been quite a while since we run our benchmarks against other networks. Actually the last time we had the benchmarks in our documentation was for Phalcon 1.3! Yes we know, we have been neglecting this.
Hopefully this post will offer some perspective on what you can expect from Phalcon and your application. It goes without saying that every application needs the best design for its needs, but using Phalcon can also push your application’s performance even further.
6 points clés pour écrire un contenu de qualité avec la sobriété éditoriale
Vous vous êtes toujours demandés comment écrire un contenu de qualité ? Dans cet article je vous donne les 6 points clés pour réussir votre texte avec la sobriété éditoriale. Vous comprendez enfin comment écrire un contenu écologique.
Charte éditoriale Web : conseils pratiques | Cyclop Éditorial
À quoi sert une charte éditoriale Web, comment la construire ? Guide dédié aux équipes de communication et rédacteurs, qui veulent mieux organiser et faciliter leur stratégie de contenus et appliquer une communication raisonnée