A Singapour, le traçage par app dégénère en surveillance de masse
Premier pays à avoir lancé le pistage du virus par smartphone de manière volontaire, Singapour lance un nouveau service liberticide, baptisé SafeEntry. La Suisse peut en tirer des leçons
A perfectly coded website will still break down if the content isn’t written and built accessibly. This article is intended to give a no-coding-required breakdown of how to make accessible co…
The Complete Guide to Accessibility for WordPress Websites | Deque
Is your WordPress website accessible by all audiences? Read our guide on accessibility considerations for themes, plugins, & content on WordPress websites.
OpenTrace is the reference implementation of BlueTrace, a privacy-preserving protocol for epidemiological contact tracing to fight COVID-19 - OpenTrace
How a badly-coded computer virus caused billions in damage
Wearing a striped shirt and Matrix-style dark glasses, Onel de Guzman stared at the floor as he made his way through a crowd of photographers into a hastily arranged press conference in Quezon City, a suburb of the Philippines capital Manila.
We Chat, They Watch: How International Users Unwittingly Build up WeChat’s Chinese Censorship Apparatus - The Citizen Lab
WeChat communications conducted entirely among non-China-registered accounts are subject to pervasive content surveillance that was previously thought to be exclusively reserved for China-registered accounts.
Cory Doctorow - The Internet of Things That Do What You Tell Them
From Solid Conference 2015: From “ecosystem” strategies to the war on terror, from the copyright wars to the subprime lending industry, it seems like everyon...
Le MOOC CHATONS est un parcours pédagogique 100% en ligne, libre et gratuit, qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec les grands enjeux d'Internet. Il vise à faciliter la création ou l'accompagnement de structures souhaitant rejoindre le « Collectif des Hébergeurs Alternatifs, Transparents, Ouverts, Neutres et Solidaires » (CHATONS)Pour le moment, il contient uniquement le module « Internet, pourquoi et comment reprendre le contrôle ? » du cours autour du collectif C.H.A.T.O.N.S.Ce cours contiendra, à terme, trois modules.Le MOOC CHATONS est un projet issu d'un partenariat entre Framaso...
How do we define and measure goodness and rightness in the increasingly used digital realm? Our designer Alex shares his thoughts on ethics in web design.
Internet Minute 2020: What Happens on the Internet in 60 Seconds? [Infographics] | The Marketing Introvert
The internet minute has been a popular post in the past couple of years. Depending on which "hat" you're wearing then you look at this infographic, you can
Sara Soueidan on Applied Accessibility at SmashingConf NYC 2019
As front-end developers, we are tasked with building the front end of a Web site or application — in other words, we are building the user's end of an…
On the day Layla got out of prison and back to her home in Georgia, she was told she would need to purchase a smartphone—not an insignificant task for someone who’d just completed a sentence, but Layla was lucky to have a friend who could buy one for her. She says she was at home in bed a few days later when the app she had been mandated to install under the terms of her release went off unexpectedly, the high-pitched warning alarm blaring as it sent a notification to her parole officers telling him that she was not, in fact, at home.