Numérique Responsable

The Decade the Internet Lost Its Joy
The Decade the Internet Lost Its Joy
What began as cheerful anarchy was devoured by vulture capital and ruthless consolidation
The Decade the Internet Lost Its Joy
Using Ethics In Web Design — Smashing Magazine
Using Ethics In Web Design — Smashing Magazine
Developers and designers need to initiate a conversation about the ethics of web design, i.e. how do we define and measure goodness and rightness in the digital realm? It's important to discuss responsibilities, decisions, and consequences.
Using Ethics In Web Design — Smashing Magazine
Do Not Track
Do Not Track
Blog & Linkography of Do Not Track, a personalized documentary series about privacy and the web economy. By Upian, Arte, ONF & BR.
Do Not Track
#écoconception - 8 projets de #recherche lauréats
#écoconception - 8 projets de #recherche lauréats
L'ADEME a retenu 8 lauréats pour les accompagner dans leurs travaux de recherche et développement en écoconception, notamment dans le secteur du développement logiciel pour le numérique éco-conçu.
#écoconception - 8 projets de #recherche lauréats
Do Not Track
Do Not Track
Do Not Track, a personalized web series about privacy and the web economy. Directed by Brett Gaylor, coproduced by Upian, Arte, ONF & BR.
Do Not Track
Imagine a peer-to-peer web where you own your own home at your own address and where only you have the key to your front door. This is what we’re building and we call it Tincan.
The Web Credibility Project: Guidelines - Stanford University
The Web Credibility Project: Guidelines - Stanford University
The Stanford Web Credibility Project: Part of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab our goal is to understand what leads people to believe what they find on the Web. We hope this knowledge will enhance Web site design and promote future research on Web credibility. This page lists some guidelines for Web Credibility.
The Web Credibility Project: Guidelines - Stanford University
low - browser extension that reduces data and carbon footprint of your internet browsing. - lowwebtech/low-web-extension
The most copied StackOverflow snippet of all time is flawed!
The most copied StackOverflow snippet of all time is flawed!
In a recent study titled Usage and Attribution of Stack Overflow Code Snippets in GitHub Projects, an answer I wrote almost a decade ago was found to be the most copied snippet on Stack Overflow. Ironically it happens to be buggy.
The most copied StackOverflow snippet of all time is flawed!
Embrace the Political | CSS-Tricks
Embrace the Political | CSS-Tricks
The tech industry has long held the belief that technology is apolitical. People are flawed, but the machines? They are neutral. They are pure. This is
Embrace the Political | CSS-Tricks
Videos of people with disabilities using tech - Axess Lab
Videos of people with disabilities using tech - Axess Lab
There is no better way to understand the importance of accessibility and inclusive design than learning from actual users with disabilities. Here’s a collection of our favorite Youtube videos where people showcase how they use assistive technologies like screen readers, eye tracking, zoom and switches. We’ll start off with former BMX star Stephen Murray showing …
Videos of people with disabilities using tech - Axess Lab
GS6 Sources
GS6 Sources
Sources : La conférence de Jean-Marc Jancovici à la cité des sciences : Le texte de Jancovici sur le rapport du Club de Rome, avec une analyse détaillée de chaque scénario :
GS6 Sources
Securing Web Sites Made Them Less Accessible
Securing Web Sites Made Them Less Accessible
In the middle of last month (July 2018), I found myself staring at a projector screen, waiting once again to see if Wikipedia would load. If I was lucky, the page started rendering 15-20 seconds after I sent the request. If not, it could be closer to 60 seconds, assuming the browser didn’t just time out on the connection.
Securing Web Sites Made Them Less Accessible
OSForensics - Download
OSForensics - Download
Download a free, fully functional evaluation of PassMark OSForensics from this page, or download a sample hash set for use with OSForensics. 32-bit and 64-bit versions of OSForensics are available.
OSForensics - Download