Numérique Responsable

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Privacy Fundamentalism
Privacy Fundamentalism
The current privacy debate is making things worse by not considering trade-offs, the inherent nature of digital, or the far bigger problems that come with digitizing the offline world.
Privacy Fundamentalism
Terms of Service; Didn't Read
Terms of Service; Didn't Read
Terms of Service; Didn't Read (ToS;DR) is an active project to fix the biggest lie on the web. We help you understand the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies of websites.
Terms of Service; Didn't Read
This repo collects examples of intentional and unintentional hacks of media sources - nemild/hack-the-media
Ethical OS
Ethical OS
Ethical OS Toolkit As technologists, it’s only natural that we spend most of our time focusing on how our tech will change the world for the better. Which is great. Everyone loves a sunny disposition. But perhaps it’s more useful, in some ways, to consider the glass half empty. What
Ethical OS
Mentions sur votre site Internet : les obligations à respecter
Mentions sur votre site Internet : les obligations à respecter
Vous souhaitez créer un site Internet ? Refondre un site existant ? Savez-vous quelles sont les informations que vous devez obligatoirement faire figurer sur votre site ? Toutes les réponses.
Mentions sur votre site Internet : les obligations à respecter
Construire un bon site selon Google
Construire un bon site selon Google
How to read between the lines of Google's recent webmaster guidelines and advice from Google's team on SEO and website best practices.
Construire un bon site selon Google
The CEO Cybersecurity Challenge
The CEO Cybersecurity Challenge
The CEO Cybersecurity Challenge (#ceocybersecuritychallenge) is designed to get any organisation to root of their security problems; their people.
The CEO Cybersecurity Challenge
Attaques ciblées : le jeu - Protégez vos données. Faites les bons choix.
Attaques ciblées : le jeu - Protégez vos données. Faites les bons choix.
A tout moment, de nombreux concurrents ou individus mal intentionnés aimeraient mettre la main sur les données de votre entreprise. Etes-vous prêts à faire les bons choix ? Avez-vous évaluer le budget dont vous aurez besoin pour mettre en place une politique de sécurité ? Votre compagnie est-elle parée contre toute cyberattaque éventuelle ?
Attaques ciblées : le jeu - Protégez vos données. Faites les bons choix.
Why Software Remains Insecure
Why Software Remains Insecure
There are myriad theories as to why software remains insecure after we've spend decades trying to solve the problem. Common reasons include: Get the Audio
Why Software Remains Insecure
What Web Designers Can Do To Speed Up Mobile Websites
What Web Designers Can Do To Speed Up Mobile Websites
Web developers know what they’re doing in terms of optimizing a website for page speed, but is it enough in Google’s eyes? When it comes to mobile loading speeds, your website can always be faster. Find out how.
What Web Designers Can Do To Speed Up Mobile Websites
jsPerf: JavaScript performance playground
jsPerf: JavaScript performance playground
A performance playground for JavaScript developers. Easily create and share test cases and run cross-browser benchmarks to find out which code snippet is most efficient.
jsPerf: JavaScript performance playground
Essential Image Optimization
Essential Image Optimization
A free book on modern image optimization techniques. Formats, decoders, techniques for efficient compression and more are covered.
Essential Image Optimization
I Used The Web For A Day On A 50 MB Budget
I Used The Web For A Day On A 50 MB Budget
Data can be prohibitively expensive, especially in developing countries. Chris Ashton puts himself in the shoes of someone on a tight data budget and offers practical tips for reducing our websites' data footprint.
I Used The Web For A Day On A 50 MB Budget
Website Performance Optimization
Website Performance Optimization
Learn how browsers convert HTML, CSS and JavaScript into websites while you experiment with Chrome Developer Tools to measure and optimize website speed!
Website Performance Optimization
:pencil: A curated list of Web Performance Optimization. Everyone can contribute here! - davidsonfellipe/awesome-wpo
How Privilege Defines Performance, Tatiana Mac @ #PerfMatters Conference 2019
How Privilege Defines Performance, Tatiana Mac @ #PerfMatters Conference 2019
In theory, performance, accessibility, and inclusive design all have similar goals: Provide the best, most consistent experience to all people using the minimal amount of resources. In practice, this often falls apart. Product creators define what it means to be performant from where they stand, which is typically from places of privilege with unseen biases, struggling to find true empathy with their users. Through this talk, we'll examine how to build conscientiously, looking within to resist systematic problems in order to create more truly performant, accessible, and inclusive systems fo...
How Privilege Defines Performance, Tatiana Mac @ #PerfMatters Conference 2019
Un label numérique responsable pour les organisations
Un label numérique responsable pour les organisations
A l’occasion de la journée annuelle de la GreenTech Verte à la Station F à Paris, l’Institut Numérique Responsable a lancé début juin le label Numérique Responsable . Soutenu par le Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire, le label est opéré par l’Agence Lucie et SGS. Accélérer la prise de conscience, reconnaître les efforts […]
Un label numérique responsable pour les organisations
Web : évaluez l’empreinte d’une page en un clic
Web : évaluez l’empreinte d’une page en un clic
C’est non sans une certaine fierté que nous vous annonçons la publication de l’extension GreenIT-Analysis (installer), disponible sur Chrome web store. Cet outil réunit les fonctionnalités des services en ligne EcoIndex et Ecometer. Autrement dit, il analyse la page sur laquelle vous vous situez pour vous fournir automatiquement et sans effort de votre part : […]
Web : évaluez l’empreinte d’une page en un clic