Covid and Autoimmune Disease
Long COVID study finds autoantibodies attacking brain receptors disrupt cognition and cause sensory issues.
Targeted therapies like blood filtration show promise for relief.
Korean study of 6.9M people found COVID-19 increases autoimmune disease risk.
Alopecia Totalis was 24 percent higher.
Behçet Disease 45 percent higher.
Crohn Disease 35 percent higher.
Bullous Pemphigoid 62 percent higher.
South Korea study suggests SarsCov2 accelerates progression of Lupus.
COVID-19 spike protein worsens lupus, increasing autoantibodies, kidney damage, and lung fibrosis.
“Amid a rise in COVID-19 cases in Alabama, one father in Arely is preparing to lay his daughter to rest.
Byron Farmer said his daughter Amber tested positive for covid about a month ago, but she just died unexpectedly from complications on Wednesday. After she came down with COVID-19, Byron told WVTM 13 his daughter never fully recovered”
“In this study, we demonstrate that mild SARS-CoV-2 infection increases autoantibodies associated with rheumatic autoimmune diseases and diabetes in most individuals, regardless of vaccination status prior to infection…
…These data highlight the need for additional strategies to decrease the spread of SARS-CoV-2 such as the development of vaccines that can prevent infection rather than decrease severity of acute disease alone.”
Yes, it’s not mild. I can tell this with my own ordeal.
I had Covid 3 times: Sept’20 (WT), Jan’ 22 (BA.2) & Feb’24 (JN.1). The last one was the least severe, but it was the one that left an indelible mark on my skin-Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune ailment!
Research suggests #longcovid linked to autoimmune responses and imbalances in the microbiome.
Probiotics may help reduce symptoms, but more research is needed.
Post-COVID-19 Syndrome Associated With Multiple Autoimmune Diseases (DM I—LADA, Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Pernicious Anemia): Case Report, 2024
The potential role of SARS-CoV-2 as a trigger for specific autoimmune conditions.
Detailed thread on Twitter covering autoimmune encephalitis "We may be entering an era of heightened autoimmune encephalitis. These occurrences may be post-infectious in nature at this point of the pandemic."
Three new studies give us good estimates of a heightened risk of auto-immune disease after COVID-19 infection. Risk increases of between 20 and 40%
This data franks earlier evidence about lots of self-directed antibodies seen in people post-COVID