Covid and Brain Damage
"Bluntly and rather disconcertingly, Pirzada says if someone is dealing with significant brain fog, there isn’t much that can be done...
'We can refer you to a specialist that will see you in the long term, but they won’t know what to do either,'"
Study: Long-term COVID-19 side effects could include memory loss and other cognitive dysfunctions.
Most common cognitive deficits: memory encoding and memory recall, which showed up in 24% and 23% of the participants, respectively.
There is no mild Covid.
"These new data point to disturbing trends showing COVID-19 infections leading to lasting cognitive impairment and even Alzheimer’s symptoms,”
Covid brain damage: Millions have persistent cognitive issues after SARS-CoV-2 due to vascular injury...even young & healthy who had mild case.
"However, there are not yet effective laboratory tests or treatments for COVID-associated cognitive changes."
People who had recovered from COVID-19, including those free of symptoms, exhibited "significant cognitive deficits."
"When we first saw the results, we were quite alarmed..."
1 in 4 post-Covid have cognitive dysfunction: "...has persistent concentration difficulties, has problems with verbal or non-verbal learning, has short-term or working memory loss, & many other symptoms related to the brain"
Read this thread. Any Covid infection can lead to Alzheimer’s-like brain damage.
There will be no herd immunity. Reinfection happens on average in 16 mos.
We also know it causes organ damage, clots & T-cell decrease.
We’ve barely begun to see what Covid infection means long term.
Study: Long-term COVID-19 side effects could include memory loss and other cognitive dysfunctions.
Most common cognitive deficits: memory encoding and memory recall, which showed up in 24% and 23% of the participants, respectively.