Covid and Brain Damage

Covid and Brain Damage

#brain #Brain
Harry Spoelstra on Twitter
Harry Spoelstra on Twitter

Interesting study: Inflammatory and mental health sequelae of COVID-19

"The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant negative consequences to mental health. Increased inflammatory factors and neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as cognitive impairment (“brain fog”), depression, and anxiety are associated with long COVID [post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), termed neuro-PASC]"

➡️Biomarker: MIG

"Growing evidence supporting the usefulness of circulating MIG(monokine induced by gamma interferon (IFN-γ) aka CXCL9) levels as a biomarker reflecting IFN-γ production, which is important because individuals with neuro-#PASC/ neuro-#Longcovid have elevated IFN-γ responses to internal SARS-CoV-2 proteins"

Harry Spoelstra on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter
"This comprehensive analysis of patients with neuro-PASC revealed a disabling but difficult to characterize syndrome that develops even after relatively mild COVID-19. A common feature is memory impairment."
laurie allee on Twitter
Long COVID and Dementia: The Link Is Still Elusive | ALZFORUM
Long COVID and Dementia: The Link Is Still Elusive | ALZFORUM
154,000 veterans who had COVID were 1.4 times likelier to have a neurologic condition--memory problems, stroke, neuropathy, mental health disorders, migraines, or seizures--in year following illness. This was true for all COVID cases, from mild to severe.
Long COVID and Dementia: The Link Is Still Elusive | ALZFORUM
Selective Neuronal Mitochondrial Targeting in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Affects Cognitive Processes to Induce ‘Brain Fog’ and Results in Behavioral Changes that Favor Viral Survival
Selective Neuronal Mitochondrial Targeting in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Affects Cognitive Processes to Induce ‘Brain Fog’ and Results in Behavioral Changes that Favor Viral Survival
"Selective Neuronal Mitochondrial Targeting in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Affects Cognitive Processes to Induce ‘Brain Fog’ and Results in Behavioral Changes that Favor Viral Survival"
Selective Neuronal Mitochondrial Targeting in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Affects Cognitive Processes to Induce ‘Brain Fog’ and Results in Behavioral Changes that Favor Viral Survival
Could long covid change brain activity
Could long covid change brain activity
"Scientists report that brain scans of long COVID patients show abnormal activity in areas related to memory...likened the brain changes to what happens in HIV patients and in those with traumatic brain injury."
Could long covid change brain activity
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a man with COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2-accelerated neurodegeneration? - PubMed
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a man with COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2-accelerated neurodegeneration? - PubMed

Related: "Drawing from recent data on prion disease pathogenesis and immune responses to SARS-CoV-2, we hypothesize that the cascade of systemic inflammatory mediators in response to the virus accelerated the pathogenesis of our patient's prion disease."

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a man with COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2-accelerated neurodegeneration? - PubMed
Chris Turnbull on Twitter
Chris Turnbull on Twitter

Comprehensive thread on possible prion involvement with SarsCov2 Mad Cov-Disease? New study looks at the possibility that Covid is a prion (a type of protein that can cause degenerative brain diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) aka mad Cow disease

Is Long Covid a prion disease?

Chris Turnbull on Twitter
Effects of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome on the functional brain networks of non-hospitalized individuals
Effects of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome on the functional brain networks of non-hospitalized individuals
"...physiological recovery from COVID-19 may extend well beyond the resolution of acute symptoms, with the persistence of post-COVID brain changes raising particular concerns about the cumulative effects of repeated infection on brain function"
Effects of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome on the functional brain networks of non-hospitalized individuals
Canadian neurocognitive disorder expert speaks to Global Workers Inquest into the Pandemic: “To say ‘they are old, they can die’—it’s criminal”
Canadian neurocognitive disorder expert speaks to Global Workers Inquest into the Pandemic: “To say ‘they are old, they can die’—it’s criminal”
"The impact I am seeing on my clients post-COVID is something I hadn’t seen previously in the years I have worked in this field. The cognitive decline post-COVID infection is immense, thus confirming the impact this virus has on the brain..."
Canadian neurocognitive disorder expert speaks to Global Workers Inquest into the Pandemic: “To say ‘they are old, they can die’—it’s criminal”
Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI
Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI

New paper comparing #LongCovid patients to matched controls found significantly reduced blood flow all over the brain - frontal, temporal, & parietal lobes.

Middle column in the picture below are healthy controls; red/warm colors = more blood flow. 1/

Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI
Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI
Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI
Study examining patients at a long COVID neurology clinic showing deficits in executive, attention, language and memory functions. MRIs showed reduced blood flow to frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the brain compared to age & sex matched controls
Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI