“‘…there is evidence of fragments or an inflammatory kind of a massive inflammatory response that occurs triggered by COVID. And those inflammatory markers we tend to notice in the brain.’
And that could cause something called COVID-19 Cognitive Impairment.
‘And we are going to compare people with COVID cognitive impairment. To be clear on this, I think that COVID can cause cognitive impairment and maybe even dementia…’”
EXTREME and incomplete oversimplification of the many complex neurological issues caused by SarsCov2, but important facet of the vaguely defined “brain fog” of Long Covid and post-acute Covid lingering symptoms.
“Neurological symptoms have been widely observed in COVID-19 patients, with many survivors exhibiting persistent neurological and cognitive impairment. New research from the University of Minnesota found that COVID-19 triggers inflammation in the brain, which is linked to many COVID-related symptoms such as fatigue and ‘brain fog.’”
"After Severe COVID, Cognitive Trajectories Go One of Three Ways
— Cognitive impairment persisted for 1 year in some patients age 50 and older"
"Long Covid changes the human brain. We may finally know how
Lost connections between nerve cells in the brain may explain cognitive symptoms such as brain fog and memory lapses."