“We are currently watching what I can only describe as the early stages of Frontotemporal Dementia on a mass scale playing out in real time.
The geopolitical ramifications of this are worrisome.
I am in no doubt about what I’m seeing.
The cause?
Ceaseless SARS-CoV-2 infections” A THREAD WITH STUDIES:
“Covid 19 is causing widespread brain damage on a global scale.
SARS-CoV-2 damages the brain. FACT.
Brain fog, memory issues, more mistakes/crashes/accidents, less empathy, worsening mental health/emotional regulation.
The signs are clear.
Signed, a neurologist
“The widespread 🧠 neuro issues I’m witnessing can’t be overstated; a tipping point of previously healthy adults into early Parkinson’s/ GBS/ dementia/ ALS/ serious 👁️ issues/ strokes/ tremors/ vertigo / intractable anosmia & tinnitus etc
An unparalleled horror show & crime.”
“If you’re not noticing the (obvious) cognitive impairment in practically everyone around you, it may be due to your own cognitive decline.
Or denial is rearing its ugly head once again.
Perhaps it’s easier for me considering my background, but honestly, it’s so bloody palpable.”
“Ugh. The more we learn about it, the uglier it looks.
This, again, speaks to my point about tail risk in an emergent situation: it’s at least as bad as it looks. It may be worse.
We are badly underestimating the consequences of delayed risk. It’s a reckless approach. (1/)”
“Worse, most people don’t even notice it has happened to themselves.
But I can tell you we who continue to mask and have many fewer COVID infections can see the growing cognitive damage in more and more people around us.
Memory problems, like recall and word finding delays. Weakness and fatigue and motor control impairment. Growing executive function and emotional regulation deficits.
More and more friends disables and forced out of work or school by Long COVID symptoms.
It’s scary to witness the broad societal decline, and dispiriting to see so many governments and Public Health agencies persist in minimizing the growing problem.”
“Can I reassert that with SARS-CoV-2 induced brain damage, it won’t be a lessening of intellect that you’ll be seeing first, but behavioural changes such as disinhibition, emotional lability, risk taking & impulsivity.
Frontal lobe damage impairs behavioural regulation.” Thread:
A 43% increase cognitive disabilities since 2019.
“This is tragic and horrifying. And it’s going to get progressively worse as we’re all systematically reinfected.”
“None of the 'lockdowns aged teen brains' media articles mention:
- The study did not control for covid infection in a population where
- to QUOTE THE STUDY 'covid-19 was widespread'
- 100s of study show the covid virus infects the brain Off-the-scale journalistic malpractice”