“Have you developed symptoms of ADHD since 2020?
Or has your ADHD deteriorated since 2020?
The frontal lobe is the largest part of the brain affected by ADHD, often maturing at a slower pace with disrupted activity & connectivity.
Covid damages the frontal & temporal lobes.
“We are currently watching what I can only describe as the early stages of Frontotemporal Dementia on a mass scale playing out in real time.
The geopolitical ramifications of this are worrisome.
I am in no doubt about what I’m seeing.
The cause?
Ceaseless SARS-CoV-2 infections” A THREAD WITH STUDIES:
“Covid 19 is causing widespread brain damage on a global scale.
SARS-CoV-2 damages the brain. FACT.
Brain fog, memory issues, more mistakes/crashes/accidents, less empathy, worsening mental health/emotional regulation.
The signs are clear.
Signed, a neurologist
“The widespread 🧠 neuro issues I’m witnessing can’t be overstated; a tipping point of previously healthy adults into early Parkinson’s/ GBS/ dementia/ ALS/ serious 👁️ issues/ strokes/ tremors/ vertigo / intractable anosmia & tinnitus etc
An unparalleled horror show & crime.”
“The buddy from college I talk about every now and again.
He’s prolly 50 or so. He posted this a few days ago. He has already had a rough go of it, he has a daughter he is devoted to, and who loves him immensely.
I am as sad as I am angry. “