“COVID-19 survivors show signs of significant cognitive deficits which could become dementia even a year after having the virus.. The team [in India] found that more than 80% of people tested reported at least one of four symptoms – depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia – ranging from mild to severe.. At least 6.1% of the patients were diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment and 4% developed dementia. More than 60% of the patients experienced a loss of taste and smell during the active phase of the infection. This could alter the function of brain areas linked to cognitive ability and emotional well-being.."
Whoopi Goldberg, who just had her 4th COVID infection, joked about her post infection brain damage on TV.
“I’m just getting over COVID – again – and I can barely remember anybody’s name. There are times when I go for a word and it’s not there.”
“We found persistent subjective and objective cognitive issues even two years after infection, including brain fog, word-finding problems, working memory deficits and reduced processing speed.” “Most Patients Have Never Fully Recovered”