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Cross-Section of Neurological Manifestations Among SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariants—Single-Center Study
Cross-Section of Neurological Manifestations Among SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariants—Single-Center Study

“The Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 presents a wide spectrum of neurological manifestations."

"Although there is an improvement in the survival rate of patients with COVID-19, the frequency of neurological manifestations increases."

"The occurrence of delirium, cerebrovascular diseases, and ischemic stroke results in higher mortality."

Cross-Section of Neurological Manifestations Among SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariants—Single-Center Study
Brain-wide alterations revealed by spatial transcriptomics and proteomics in COVID-19 infection
Brain-wide alterations revealed by spatial transcriptomics and proteomics in COVID-19 infection
“We identified dysregulation of mitochondrial and synaptic pathways in deep-layer excitatory neurons and upregulation of neuroinflammation in glia, consistent across both mRNA and protein. Remarkably, these alterations overlapped substantially with changes in age-related neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease”
We identified dysregulation of mitochondrial and synaptic pathways in deep-layer excitatory neurons and upregulation of neuroinflammation in glia, consistent across both mRNA and protein. Remarkably, these alterations overlapped substantially with changes in age-related neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease
Brain-wide alterations revealed by spatial transcriptomics and proteomics in COVID-19 infection
Pioneering discovery and therapeutics at the brain-vascular-immune interface
Pioneering discovery and therapeutics at the brain-vascular-immune interface

A new paper in Cell, “Pioneering discovery and therapeutics at the brain-vascular-immune interface,” describes COVID-19 as a neurological disease alongside multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, stroke and traumatic brain injury.

“COVID-19 can accelerate progression of dementia and induce BBB disruption and inflammatory blood clots causally linked with neuroinflammation and neuronal loss.8 In neurodevelopmental disorders, prematurity and perinatal hypoxia that trigger brain hemorrhage and BBB disruption are risk factors for cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, and autism. Collectively, these risk factors highlight the interconnected vascular and immune triggers of neurological diseases.”

Pioneering discovery and therapeutics at the brain-vascular-immune interface
Severe Covid infections can inflame brain’s ‘control centre’, research says
Severe Covid infections can inflame brain’s ‘control centre’, research says
“Severe Covid infections can drive inflammation in the brain’s ‘control centre’ researchers say, leading to damage that may explain the long-term breathlessness, fatigue and anxiety some patients experience.
Severe Covid infections can inflame brain’s ‘control centre’, research says
Covid Brain
Covid Brain
“But this week 2 new publications have substantially added to our understanding of the extent that Covid can impair cognitive function across the full gamut— from young, healthy individuals with mild infections to older, hospitalized patients with severe Covid.”
Covid Brain
Neurological complications caused by SARS-CoV-2
Neurological complications caused by SARS-CoV-2

Very comprehensive evaluation of known neurological damage from SarsCov2:

“The pathogenesis of neurological disorders caused by SARS-CoV-2 involves several mechanisms. First, SARS-CoV-2 could enter the brain through retrograde transmission & hematogenous routes & disrupt brain function & structure, thus causing or exacerbating neurological disorders…”

Neurological complications caused by SARS-CoV-2
COVID-related loss of smell tied to changes in the brain | CIDRAP
COVID-related loss of smell tied to changes in the brain | CIDRAP
“On MRI conducted during the game, loss of smell was associated with decreased functional activity during decision-making, loss of white-matter integrity, and thinning of the outer layer of the cerebrum in the parietal regions (responsible for processing sensory input, understanding spatial relationships, and how to navigate).”
COVID-related loss of smell tied to changes in the brain | CIDRAP