“If you’re not noticing the (obvious) cognitive impairment in practically everyone around you, it may be due to your own cognitive decline.
Or denial is rearing its ugly head once again.
Perhaps it’s easier for me considering my background, but honestly, it’s so bloody palpable.”
“Ugh. The more we learn about it, the uglier it looks.
This, again, speaks to my point about tail risk in an emergent situation: it’s at least as bad as it looks. It may be worse.
We are badly underestimating the consequences of delayed risk. It’s a reckless approach. (1/)”
“Can I reassert that with SARS-CoV-2 induced brain damage, it won’t be a lessening of intellect that you’ll be seeing first, but behavioural changes such as disinhibition, emotional lability, risk taking & impulsivity.
Frontal lobe damage impairs behavioural regulation.” Thread: