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Does Covid Lead to Dementia? Here's What the Virus May Have Done to Y…
Does Covid Lead to Dementia? Here's What the Virus May Have Done to Y…
Non paywall version of catalogued Bloomberg article
Scientists are worried that persisting cognitive issues may signal a coming surge of dementia and other mental conditions
Does Covid Lead to Dementia? Here's What the Virus May Have Done to Y…
Parallel electrophysiological abnormalities due to COVID‐19 infection and to Alzheimer's disease and related dementia
Parallel electrophysiological abnormalities due to COVID‐19 infection and to Alzheimer's disease and related dementia
“Resting-state EEG abnormalities include EEG slowing (reduced alpha rhythm; increased slow waves) and epileptiform activity. An expert panel conducted a systematic review to present compelling evidence that cognitive deficits due to COVID-19 and to Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD) are driven by overlapping pathologies and neurophysiological abnormalities. EEG abnormalities seen in COVID-19 patients resemble those observed in early stages of neurodegenerative diseases, particularly ADRD”
Parallel electrophysiological abnormalities due to COVID‐19 infection and to Alzheimer's disease and related dementia
laurie allee on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter

Read this thread. Any Covid infection can lead to Alzheimer’s-like brain damage.

There will be no herd immunity. Reinfection happens on average in 16 mos.

We also know it causes organ damage, clots & T-cell decrease.

We’ve barely begun to see what Covid infection means long term.

laurie allee on Twitter