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Wes Wilson on Twitter
Wes Wilson on Twitter

Study from CAMH found, via PET scans, elevated levels of the protein TSPO, a brain marker of inflammation, in patients with onset of depression in long covid

more than 200 million globally may experience lingering neurological symptoms from COVID, including depression, memory impairment, slower motor control, low motivation and energy, for months to even years due to brain inflammation from long COVID

this along side everything we have learned in the last 2.5 years ( much summarized in the lit review done by Stanford and Yale, linked in the comments ) moves us a step closer in understanding the underlying biological mechanisms behind these symptoms

Wes Wilson on Twitter
Long COVID and Dementia: The Link Is Still Elusive | ALZFORUM
Long COVID and Dementia: The Link Is Still Elusive | ALZFORUM
154,000 veterans who had COVID were 1.4 times likelier to have a neurologic condition--memory problems, stroke, neuropathy, mental health disorders, migraines, or seizures--in year following illness. This was true for all COVID cases, from mild to severe.
Long COVID and Dementia: The Link Is Still Elusive | ALZFORUM
Long COVID Linked to Lower Brain Oxygen Levels, Cognitive Problems and Psychiatric Symptoms - Neuroscience News
Long COVID Linked to Lower Brain Oxygen Levels, Cognitive Problems and Psychiatric Symptoms - Neuroscience News
"Long COVID is linked to reduced oxygen uptake in the brain, a new study reports...finding is significant as a lack of sufficient oxygen supply may be one of the mechanisms that cause brain fog, cognitive problems...depression and anxiety"
Long COVID Linked to Lower Brain Oxygen Levels, Cognitive Problems and Psychiatric Symptoms - Neuroscience News