A 43% increase cognitive disabilities since 2019.
“This is tragic and horrifying. And it’s going to get progressively worse as we’re all systematically reinfected.”
“MRI scans reveal the damage long Covid does to your brain
Researchers suggested lasting Covid symptoms might be an indirect effect of brainstem inflammatory injury”
Whoopi Goldberg, who just had her 4th COVID infection, joked about her post infection brain damage on TV.
“I’m just getting over COVID – again – and I can barely remember anybody’s name. There are times when I go for a word and it’s not there.”
“We found persistent subjective and objective cognitive issues even two years after infection, including brain fog, word-finding problems, working memory deficits and reduced processing speed.” “Most Patients Have Never Fully Recovered”
“Personality Change Has Emerged as a Symptom of Long Covid Some patients are experiencing symptoms long after their Covid infection – and for many of these people, it's changing how they interact with the world”
“An old friend reached out to me today.
He got an MRI showing that his brain aged 25 years. He went for an MRI because his ADHD meds weren’t doing the job and if he went off of them, he felt different, he felt had dementia.
Doc notes that given the facts, it’s Covid induced.”
Not a cold.
A mutation in the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 could help it infect brain cells using a secret “back door” after entering the central nervous system.
Yet another stretch for one size fits all explanation of a multifaceted condition. Still, important finding:
“A groundbreaking study from the University of Colorado Boulder has uncovered a potential mechanism behind the persistent neurological symptoms experienced by many Long COVID sufferers. The research, published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, points to a significant drop in cortisol levels in the brain as a possible culprit, offering new insights into this complex and widespread condition.”
EXTREME and incomplete oversimplification of the many complex neurological issues caused by SarsCov2, but important facet of the vaguely defined “brain fog” of Long Covid and post-acute Covid lingering symptoms.
“Neurological symptoms have been widely observed in COVID-19 patients, with many survivors exhibiting persistent neurological and cognitive impairment. New research from the University of Minnesota found that COVID-19 triggers inflammation in the brain, which is linked to many COVID-related symptoms such as fatigue and ‘brain fog.’”
Study from CAMH found, via PET scans, elevated levels of the protein TSPO, a brain marker of inflammation, in patients with onset of depression in long covid
more than 200 million globally may experience lingering neurological symptoms from COVID, including depression, memory impairment, slower motor control, low motivation and energy, for months to even years due to brain inflammation from long COVID
this along side everything we have learned in the last 2.5 years ( much summarized in the lit review done by Stanford and Yale, linked in the comments ) moves us a step closer in understanding the underlying biological mechanisms behind these symptoms