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A groundbreaking study aims to determine if long COVID-19 could lead to another type of dementia
A groundbreaking study aims to determine if long COVID-19 could lead to another type of dementia

“‘…there is evidence of fragments or an inflammatory kind of a massive inflammatory response that occurs triggered by COVID. And those inflammatory markers we tend to notice in the brain.’

And that could cause something called COVID-19 Cognitive Impairment.

‘And we are going to compare people with COVID cognitive impairment. To be clear on this, I think that COVID can cause cognitive impairment and maybe even dementia…’”

A groundbreaking study aims to determine if long COVID-19 could lead to another type of dementia
Prevalence and co-occurrence of cognitive impairment in children and young people up to 12-months post infection with SARS-CoV-2 (Omicron variant) - PubMed
Prevalence and co-occurrence of cognitive impairment in children and young people up to 12-months post infection with SARS-CoV-2 (Omicron variant) - PubMed
Prevalence and co-occurrence of cognitive impairment in children and young people up to 12-months post infection with SARS-CoV-2
Prevalence and co-occurrence of cognitive impairment in children and young people up to 12-months post infection with SARS-CoV-2 (Omicron variant) - PubMed
Study uncovers the basis of COVID-19-related brain fog | University of Minnesota
Study uncovers the basis of COVID-19-related brain fog | University of Minnesota

EXTREME and incomplete oversimplification of the many complex neurological issues caused by SarsCov2, but important facet of the vaguely defined “brain fog” of Long Covid and post-acute Covid lingering symptoms.

“Neurological symptoms have been widely observed in COVID-19 patients, with many survivors exhibiting persistent neurological and cognitive impairment. New research from the University of Minnesota found that COVID-19 triggers inflammation in the brain, which is linked to many COVID-related symptoms such as fatigue and ‘brain fog.’”

Study uncovers the basis of COVID-19-related brain fog | University of Minnesota
Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI
Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI
Study examining patients at a long COVID neurology clinic showing deficits in executive, attention, language and memory functions. MRIs showed reduced blood flow to frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the brain compared to age & sex matched controls
Cerebral hypoperfusion in post-COVID-19 cognitively impaired subjects revealed by arterial spin labeling MRI
Omicron better at invading young noses than other variants; smell loss may predict memory issues | Inquirer News
Omicron better at invading young noses than other variants; smell loss may predict memory issues | Inquirer News

Brain damage after even mild Covid in kids: Omicron is much better at invading children's noses, predicts memory issues. "Severity of smell dysfunction after infection may be a better predictor of long-term cognitive impairment than severity of COVID-19"

Omicron better at invading young noses than other variants; smell loss may predict memory issues | Inquirer News
COVID-19 brain fog | CityNews Toronto
COVID-19 brain fog | CityNews Toronto

"Bluntly and rather disconcertingly, Pirzada says if someone is dealing with significant brain fog, there isn’t much that can be done...

'We can refer you to a specialist that will see you in the long term, but they won’t know what to do either,'"

COVID-19 brain fog | CityNews Toronto
laurie allee on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter
“This study confirms what we have also seen at Northwestern, that cognitive problems are persistent both in patients who were previously hospitalized and also in patients who had only mild respiratory symptoms,”
laurie allee on Twitter
When COVID-19 Breaches the Brain
When COVID-19 Breaches the Brain
"In the post-COVID-19 participants, researchers found reductions in cognitive function, including greater difficulties in problem-solving, visual attention, and spatial working memory."
When COVID-19 Breaches the Brain
Reimer calls findings from COVID fog study 'alarming'
Reimer calls findings from COVID fog study 'alarming'

1 in 4 post-Covid have cognitive dysfunction: "...has persistent concentration difficulties, has problems with verbal or non-verbal learning, has short-term or working memory loss, & many other symptoms related to the brain"

Reimer calls findings from COVID fog study 'alarming'