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Hiroshi Yasuda (保田浩志) on Twitter
Hiroshi Yasuda (保田浩志) on Twitter

According to a systematic review on the COVID-19 survivors, "Seventy-nine percent of COVID-19 survivors at 1 months and 75% at 3- and 6-month follow-up showed cognitive impairment.."

3 in 4 is a quite high ratio.

Hiroshi Yasuda (保田浩志) on Twitter
You're not imagining 'COVID brain' — here's the latest evidence
You're not imagining 'COVID brain' — here's the latest evidence

COVID cognitive decline more widespread than thought say researchers at Australia's first long-COVID clinic Some sort of cognitive decline was recorded in almost all of the participants, regardless of the severity of the initial infection.

You're not imagining 'COVID brain' — here's the latest evidence
COVID-19 brain fog | CityNews Toronto
COVID-19 brain fog | CityNews Toronto

"Bluntly and rather disconcertingly, Pirzada says if someone is dealing with significant brain fog, there isn’t much that can be done...

'We can refer you to a specialist that will see you in the long term, but they won’t know what to do either,'"

COVID-19 brain fog | CityNews Toronto
laurie allee on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter
“This study confirms what we have also seen at Northwestern, that cognitive problems are persistent both in patients who were previously hospitalized and also in patients who had only mild respiratory symptoms,”
laurie allee on Twitter
When COVID-19 Breaches the Brain
When COVID-19 Breaches the Brain
"In the post-COVID-19 participants, researchers found reductions in cognitive function, including greater difficulties in problem-solving, visual attention, and spatial working memory."
When COVID-19 Breaches the Brain
What Drives Post-COVID Cognitive Changes?
What Drives Post-COVID Cognitive Changes?

Covid brain damage: Millions have persistent cognitive issues after SARS-CoV-2 due to vascular injury...even young & healthy who had mild case.

"However, there are not yet effective laboratory tests or treatments for COVID-associated cognitive changes."

What Drives Post-COVID Cognitive Changes?
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in mouse via non-cell autonomous hippocampal neuronal death
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in mouse via non-cell autonomous hippocampal neuronal death
"Our behavioral study showed that administration of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit to mouse hippocampus induced cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in vivo. These neurological symptoms were accompanied by neuronal cell death."
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in mouse via non-cell autonomous hippocampal neuronal death
Reimer calls findings from COVID fog study 'alarming'
Reimer calls findings from COVID fog study 'alarming'

1 in 4 post-Covid have cognitive dysfunction: "...has persistent concentration difficulties, has problems with verbal or non-verbal learning, has short-term or working memory loss, & many other symptoms related to the brain"

Reimer calls findings from COVID fog study 'alarming'
laurie allee on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter

Read this thread. Any Covid infection can lead to Alzheimer’s-like brain damage.

There will be no herd immunity. Reinfection happens on average in 16 mos.

We also know it causes organ damage, clots & T-cell decrease.

We’ve barely begun to see what Covid infection means long term.

laurie allee on Twitter